CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Mitigation of Microcystis sp. with metallic peroxide granules: matrix effect on hydrogen peroxide release kinetics and toxicity study on invertebrates
Keliri E., Christofi M., Efstathiou N., (Corresponding) Antoniou M.
Advanced oxidation processes
An array of mitigation strategies has been applied over the years for toxic blue-green algae with the most recent one to be hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Hydrogen peroxide has been widely used as an alternative to copper algaecides, and it is perceived as a more environmentally friendly option for...Read more
cyanobacteria, hydrogen peroxide, metallic granules, mitigation, surface water
Automated In-Situ Cyanotoxin Assessment Toolbox For Real-Time Surface Water Monitoring (CYANOBOX)
Keliri E., Hadjiantonis A., Demosthenous P., (Corresponding) Antoniou M.
Process understanding through innovative sensors and remote sensing
Automated In-Situ Cyanotoxin Assessment Toolbox for Real-Time Surface Water Monitoring, CYanoBox, is a 3-year project, coordinated by the innovation and technology company CyRIC, for the development of novel biosensors, and reliable at-source detection of toxic metabolites. The project aims to...Read more
Bio-Based Phosphate Functionalized Activated Carbon From Indian Gooseberry Seed Shells For The Efficient Copper (II) Adsorption
(Corresponding) Mondal S., Majumder S.
Water treatment
Preparation of an efficient activated carbon for the removal of metal pollutants is a challenging research today. The characteristic features of an efficient phosphate functionalized activated carbon, synthesized by following chemical activation process followed by subsequent functionalization from...Read more
A pilot test in Eastern Bohemia for chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons groundwater remediation
Silvestri D., (Corresponding) WACŁAWEK S., STEJSKAL V., VLKOVA D., KVAPIL P., KOHOUT P., HRABAK P., (Corresponding) ČERNÍK M.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
The bioremediation of chlorinated solvents is considered as cheap and eco-friendly approach, among the bioremediation techniques the stimulation of organohalide-respiring bacteria by adding substrates is considered as one of the most popular methods. Application of cheese whey was performed in...Read more
A comparative analysis between EU MRV and IMO DCS – the need to adopt a harmonised regulatory system
(Corresponding) Boviatsis M., Tselentis B.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
This paper analyses and compares the two methods proposed for monitoring, reporting and verifying CO2 emissions from shipping, namely the European Union MRV Regulation (EU 2015/757) and the Global Data Collection System of the IMO for fuel oil consumption of ships adopted as an amendment to MARPOL...Read more
CO2 emissions, EU MRV, IMO DCS, MARPOL Annex VI, fuel consumption
A proactive international regulation system based on technological innovations against emerging environmental threats
(Corresponding) Boviatsis M., Alexopoulos A., Theodosiou M.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
The adoption and enforcement of most conventions and regulations have been triggered by a series of disasters that had devastating effects on the marine environment. To improve the safety levels at sea and at the same time to protect the marine environment, it is imperative that the major shipping...Read more
Problems related to Ship Recycling IMO Regulations
(Corresponding) Boviatsis M., Alexopoulos A., Polemis D.
Scrapping market is unique in many respects. The value of its products is more affected by ınternational trade than by shipping economic circles. There are many regulations for the environmentally friendly dismantling of ships. Ship recycling is the eco-friendly method of ship dismantling, it is...Read more
SRC, UN Basel Convention, E.U. Waste Shipment Regulation, Ship Recycling
Chemical tanker accidents and the 2010 HNS convention
(Corresponding) Boviatsis M., Alexopoulos A., Vlachos G., Samiotis G.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
The 2010 HNS Convention covers any damage caused by the carriage by sea of hazardous and noxious substances in the territory or territorial sea of a State Party to the Convention. The costs of preventive actions, i.e. measures to avoid or minimize damage, are also covered wherever taken. The HNSC...Read more
Practical impediments to the effective utilization of Ballast Water Management Plan from Port facilities and Shipping practice
(Corresponding) BOVIATSIS M., Polemis D., Tselentis V.
Wastewater treatment
Since the new Ballast Water Management Convention entered into force in 2017, the ballast water should be cleansed of any harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens, wastes or even bacteria, before being released into a new aquatic environment. For this purpose, the ships are required to carry i) a...Read more
BWM Convention, Ballast Water Management Plan, BWM Record Book, BWM aquatic(bio) map
The Implementation of Risk Management processes as a contributing factor to the minimization of shipping disasters through the study of previous shipping accidents
(Corresponding) BOVIATSIS M., Vlachos G.
Disaster risk reduction and management
Environmental disasters can maliciously affect property, human lives and even entire ecosystems. The magnitude and extent of such a disaster can lead to uncertainty about who is liable and how the restoration of the environmental damage will be achieved. The implementation of Risk Management...Read more