CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Impact of reuse of the purified wastewater on some properties of soil. Case study of Ain Defla station (Northwestern Algeria)
Water and wastewater reuse
Abstract. Purified wastewater (PWW) is a major source of water and nutrients for many farmers in arid and semi-arid climates. The aim objective of this study is to follow the change of soil characteristics i.e permeability porosity, total calcium, electrical conductivity (extract diluted) and pH...Read more
Seasonal variations of water quality and aquatic macrophytes survey based on side scan sonar, in a shallow coastal lagoon (Gialova, SW Peloponnesus, Greece)
Marine environment and coastal management
Gialova lagoon is located in the north-west of Pylos city (Prefecture of Messinia, SW Peloponnesus) and is part of the Ecological Network “Natura 2000”. The aim of the current research is the assessment of the ecological quality of the lagoon using hydroacoustic technique and the monitoring of...Read more
Benthic litter density maps through low-cost underwater towed video camera surveys. An integrated approach.
Marine environment and coastal management
The marine environment is the final recipient and digester of litter. Floating and benthic litter constitute the majority of litter items in the marine environment while both remain quite unexploited due to their demand in high-cost and time-consuming surveys. In this paper we propose an integrated...Read more
benthic litter assessment, underwater towed video camera, Syros Island
On the geochemistry of Gialova lagoon, SW Peloponnesus, Greece
Papakonstantinou M., Sergiou S., Dimas X., Fakiris E., Christodoulou D., Geraga M., (Corresponding) Papatheodorou G.
Heavy metals in the environment
The spatial distribution of lithological characteristics, organic carbon and major / trace elements was studied in the surface sediments of the Gialova lagoon, a shallow water lagoon (<1.0 m) which is located at southwestern Peloponnesus (Greece). The sediment samples were collected on the basis...Read more
Benthic megalitter detection using unmanned surface vehicle (USV) and Automatic Target Detection: A case study in the Port of Thessaloniki, Thermaikos Gulf
(Corresponding) Papatheodorou G., Kosmopoulou A., Fakiris E., Geraga M., Dimas X., Maurommatis N., Christodoulou D., (Corresponding) Kouvara K., Xirotagarou P.
Microplastics in the marine environment
In the port of Thessaloniki, Greece, benthic megalitter detection was achieved using an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) equipped with a compact high resolution sidescan sonar (SSS) and a single beam echsosounder (SBES). The benthic megalitter survey was organized in two separate phases. Firstly, a...Read more
TiO2/Graphene Oxide Heterostructures for Photocatalytic Applications
(Corresponding) Giannakopoulou T., Papailias I., Todorova N., Trapalis A., Bahnemann D.
Nanomaterials in the environmnents applications and effects
In the present work, TiO2/graphene oxide (GO) heterostructures with different concentrations of GO were synthesized by hydrothermal transformation of Na-titanate in basic solution. The morphology of the prepared materials was observed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and transmission electron...Read more
graphene oxide, TiO2, heterostructure, photocatalysis, H2 production
CO2 Utilization for Preparation of Carbon Nanostructures
(Corresponding) Giannakopoulou T., Plakantonaki N., Vagenas M., Papailias I., Boukos N., Todorova N., Trapalis C.
Gas emissions control and utilization
The CO2 conversion to valuable materials is a challenging way to manage pollution problems. In the present work, CO2 was used as a feedstock to synthesize solid carbon nanostructures by employing a simple magnesiothermic reduction reaction under constant gas flow in a tube furnace. It was shown...Read more
CO2 conversion, nanocarbons, metallothermic reduction, Mg
A method for the extraction of microplastics from solid samples using olive oil
(Corresponding) Scopetani C., Pellinen J., Pflugmacher S.
Microplastics in the marine environment
Microplastics (MPs) extraction from sediment, sand and soil samples is a challenge that the scientific community is facing nowadays; currently there are no standardized and validated protocols and the most common methods rely on density separation techniques, often unable to separate high density...Read more
Elimination of relevant pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater from Colombia by combination of a biological system with a sonochemical process
(Corresponding) TORRES PALMA R., Serna-Galvis E., Silva-Agredo J.
Advanced oxidation processes
This work presents the treatment of selected emerging concern pharmaceuticals in real hospital wastewater (HWW) from Tumaco-Colombia by combination of a biological system with a sonochemical process. Fifteen compounds, commonly present in HWW, were considered: acetaminophen, diclofenac,...Read more
Detection of cyanobacterial toxins and oligopeptides from the Polemidia Dam in Cyprus
(Corresponding) Keliri E., Antoniou M., Edwards C., Mazur-Marzec H.
Emerging pollutants
Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms are becoming more spatially persistent worldwide. The formation and release, through cell-death and/or excretion, of bioactive metabolites (cyanotoxins) is comprising a reoccurring concern to environmental protection agencies. Cyanotoxins can negatively impact...Read more
cyanotoxins, oligopeptides, tandem mass spectrometry, cyanobacteria, toxicity