A pilot test in Eastern Bohemia for chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons groundwater remediation

Paper ID: 
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Silvestri D., (Corresponding) WACŁAWEK S., STEJSKAL V., VLKOVA D., KVAPIL P., KOHOUT P., HRABAK P., (Corresponding) ČERNÍK M.
The bioremediation of chlorinated solvents is considered as cheap and eco-friendly approach, among the bioremediation techniques the stimulation of organohalide-respiring bacteria by adding substrates is considered as one of the most popular methods. Application of cheese whey was performed in three separate rounds via direct-push technique. Monitoring of groundwater was performed once before the first injection of cheese whey in November 2017 and then monthly until April 2019. Groundwater samples were analyzed for chlorinated ethenes, its bioremediation byproducts and this analysis were correlated with the biological activity on the site that was assessed with the use of PCR and next-generation sequencing tests.
Bioremediation, Cheese whey, BMT, Groundwater