Detection of cyanobacterial toxins and oligopeptides from the Polemidia Dam in Cyprus
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms are becoming more spatially persistent worldwide. The formation and release, through cell-death and/or excretion, of bioactive metabolites (cyanotoxins) is comprising a reoccurring concern to environmental protection agencies. Cyanotoxins can negatively impact mammalian health in various ways by causing cytotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, and neurotoxicity. Besides conventional toxins some genera can produce an array of oligopeptides characterized as microginin, cyanopeptolins, and aeruginosins. In this work we studied the occurrence of both conventional cyanotoxins as well as oligopeptides in a eutrophic dam located in Cyprus (Polemidia Dam) in years 2014-2018. To identify those oligopeptides advanced analytical techniques have been employed; specifically, tandem mass spectrometry at different modes (for screening and for quantitative analysis). Our initial results indicate that the detection of conventional cyanotoxins was lower than the method detection limits and for their detection in the ng/L range the analysis was conducted in the MRM mode. An array of oligopeptides was detected such as microcin SF608 (m/z 609.34), anabaenopeptin F (m/z 851.49), and aeruginosin 602 (m/z 609.34). There were no seasonal variations for the years 2014 and 2015 sampling events, while some of the oligopeptides (m/z 726.6) detected have not been previously reported in the cited literature.
cyanotoxins, oligopeptides, tandem mass spectrometry, cyanobacteria, toxicity