Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Improved LC/LU maps and flood models through crowdsourced information

(Corresponding) Tsiakos V., (Corresponding) Krommyda M., Tsertou A., Amditis A., Jonoski A., Popescu I., Assumpção T., Kopsinis Y.
Lakes, rivers, estuaries and ecosystem health
Flood risk prediction has been traditionally based on models that are developed from time-series of data collected over long periods of time from expensive and hard to maintain in situ sensors available only in specific areas. Scent is a EU project which provides an integrated toolbox of smart...Read more
LC/LU maps. flood models, improvement, crowdsourced, platform, flood risk prediction
Paper ID: 

An Ignition Probability Index for the early detection of wildfires in the Eastern Mediterranean region

(Corresponding) Xofis P., Tsiourlis G., Konstantinidis P.
Disaster risk reduction and management
Wildfires continue to form a major disturbance factor in Mediterranean ecosystems, often associated with significant loss of properties and human lives. Fast detection and suppression within the first minutes after ignition constitute one of the pillars for successful wildfire management and...Read more
Wildfires, Automatic Detection, Risk
Paper ID: 

Employing data-driven models in the optimization of chemical usage in water treatment plants

(Corresponding) Kandris K., Romas E., Tzimas A., Gavalakis E.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
One of the most challenging tasks in potable water production is the cost-efficient and consistent operation of water treatment plants (WTPs) that treat raw water of variable quality and quantity. To increase process stability and optimize the usage of resources, two data-driven models simulated...Read more
Water treatment optimization, Data-driven modelling, Water treatment plant
Paper ID: 

A computationally efficient metamodeling-based approach for the automatic calibration of coupled hydrodynamic and water quality models

(Corresponding) Kandris K., Romas E., Tzimas A., Pechlivanidis I., Giardino C., Bresciani M., Schenk K., Bernert H.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
Computational budget is a severe limitation on the automatic calibration of expensive hydrodynamic and water quality models. To tackle this limitation, the present work formulated a metamodeling-based approach for parameter estimation of such models and assessed the computational gains of this...Read more
Metamodeling; calibration; hydrodynamics; water quality modeling
Paper ID: 

A data-driven approach to predict phytoplankton blooms using satellite-derived water quality and hydrometeorological drivers

(Corresponding) Kandris K., Romas E., Tzimas A., Bresciani M., Giardino C., Bauer P., Pechlivanidis I., Dessena M.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
The present work leverages simulated hydrometeorological factors and satellite-derived chlorophyll-a to predict phytoplankton dynamics for Mulargia reservoir (Sardinia, Italy). A Random Forest (RF) model was (a) calibrated to minimize out-of-bag errors of chlorophyll-a predictions for a 5-year-long...Read more
Machine learning; forecasting; phytoplankton blooms; remote sensing; hydrometeorological predictions
Paper ID: 

Comparative Study of Flow through Vegetation Stems With and Without Foliage

(Corresponding) Christodoulou G., Mavrommatis A.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
The presence of vegetation in rivers, streams and riparian zones affects significantly the flow field and consequently the resistance, pollutant dispersion, sediment transport and ecological habitat. In this paper, a comparative study is undertaken to investigate the effect of an array of simple...Read more
Ecohydraulics, Environmental Hydraulics, Flow through vegetation, Velocity, Shear stresses.
Paper ID: 

Methodology development for implementing Life Cycle Analysis of energy production in the Czech Republic

(Corresponding) Zakuciova K., Štefanica J., Šerešová M., Kočí V., Zdeněk V., Vitvarová M., Jan O.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Energy mix of the Czech Republic includes various types of fossil energy sources, which currently do not have comprehensive methodology for assessing their environmental impacts. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is important tool for assessing such impacts through the whole life cycle of the sources...Read more
Energy sources, life cycle assessment, energy production, sustainability
Paper ID: 

Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity production in the Czech Republic – case-study of lignite combustion and hydropower

(Corresponding) Štefanica J., Zakuciová K., Kočí V., Šerešová M., Vlček Z., Vitvarová M., Opatřil J.
Energy technologies and sustainability
Environmental impacts of various types of energy production are compared in the scope of an ongoing national research project “Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Production”. The project is using the LCA method to compare the potential environmental impacts of selected energy sources throughout their...Read more
LCA, electricity production, case-study
Paper ID: 

Characterisation of Rare Earth Elements in Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs) and their bioleaching potential

(Corresponding) Gonzalez Baez A., Purchase D., Garelick H., Pantoja Munoz L.
Solid waste management
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are part of everyday items such as cellular phones and computers, and they constitute a significant proportion of e-waste. PCBs contain hazardous components but also valuable and critical materials such as copper, gold, silver and rare earth elements. Rare earth...Read more
Bioleaching, PCBs, Rare earth elements, WEEE.
Paper ID: 

Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs) as a potential source for the recovery of rare earth elements through bioleaching.

(Corresponding) Gonzalez Baez A., Pantoja Muñoz L., Garelick H., Purchase D.
Electric and electronic waste
Rare earth elements (e.g., neodymium, dysprosium and praseodymium) have contributed to the miniaturization, energy efficiency, durability, and high speed of many technology gadgets. Due to their electric conductivity, magnetic, luminescence and optical properties, rare earth elements (REE) are...Read more
Bioleaching, Characterization, Rare earth elements (REE), Recovery, Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs)
Paper ID: 