Methodology development for implementing Life Cycle Analysis of energy production in the Czech Republic
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Energy mix of the Czech Republic includes various types of fossil energy sources, which currently do not have comprehensive methodology for assessing their environmental impacts. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is important tool for assessing such impacts through the whole life cycle of the sources. Ongoing national project “LCA of energy production in the Czech Republic” is focusing on implementing LCA on several case studies to analyze and compare different national energy sources and technologies from environmental point of view through the three phases of the life cycle – construction, operation and decommissioning. Such an extensive study requires development of methodology which covers necessary technological boundaries and parameters, as well as general principles of LCA methodology. The paper depicts the procedure of the methodology development for implementing LCA tool for energy production of various fossil, nuclear and renewable sources. Methodology will focus on technological and inventory criteria, LCA boundaries for various sources, selection of functional unit and identification of specific problems regarding LCA of energy sector.
Energy sources, life cycle assessment, energy production, sustainability