Displaying 71 - 80 of 84 in management (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Construction Projects through Effective Pollution Management Strategies
(Corresponding) Corpus R., Bayani M., Almacha A., Tana K.
Urban environment and health
Construction initiatives can substantially contribute to air, water, and soil pollution, as well as soil degradation. These activities can have long-lasting negative effects on local communities and ecosystems. It is imperative to develop and implement effective construction pollution management...Read more
environmental pollution, construction management , Air Quality
Water scarcity, energy independence and the role of hybrid renewable energy systems
(Corresponding) Bertsiou M., Baltas E.
Renewable energy sources
Water scarcity problems and the need for reduced consumption of fossil fuels lead to the transition to renewable energy sources (RES). The proper management of RES is the key issue, especially in small not interconnected islands. In this research work a Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES) on a...Read more
HRES, water scarcity, energy management, energy storage
Environmental monitoring and sustainable planning for tourism in Balos lagoon in Western Crete
(Corresponding) Skiniti G., Lilli M., Skarakis N., Tournaki S., Nikolaidis N., Tsoutsos T.
Environmental impacts of tourism and sustainable tourism development
Balos lagoon was used as the case study to test a new methodology developed under the CROSS-COASTAL-NET initiative, Development of a Cross-Border Network for the Promotion of Sustainable Coastal Tourism, which is underneath the Interreg Greece–Cyprus program. The project examines the regions of...Read more
Sustainable Tourism; Ecosystems monitoring and management; NATURA 2000; Carrying Capacity; environmental quality
Sustainable water resources governance developments: cross-sectorial policies and societal practice
(Corresponding) Ernsteins R., Skute A., Konkovs K., Lagzdina E., Ozolins M.
Water policy, management and society
The governance process of surface water resources in Latvia, particularly, in small river catchment areas and lake lands, also being Natura 2000 territories, was the main foci for two studies described. Previous traditional research done in related fields in Latvia has been focusing on water...Read more
water and nature management, societal participation, bottom-up instruments, communication
A study of the properties of alkali activated cement concrete with potassium carbonate activator.
(Corresponding) Mavroulidou M.
Net Zero emission transition
Alkali-activated cements (AAC) have recently attracted the vivid interest of the civil engineering industry as promising innovative alternatives to Portland Cement (PC) which is responsible for 8% of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. In this context, this paper studies concrete produced using potassium...Read more
Use of food waste as culture media in biocementation for ground improvement applications
Mwandira W., (Corresponding) Mavroulidou M., Gunn M., Gray C.
The paper investigates the use of mixed fruit and vegetable (FV) waste to extract liquid to grow bacteria. The bacteria will be used to induce biocementation of soils and two metabolic pathways are examined. These are the ureolytic pathway and the carbonic anhydrase pathway (which absorbs CO2)...Read more
LCA of Applying a Smart Farming System – Implementing a Territorial Approach for Recommending Good Agricultural Practices
(Corresponding) Karagkounis A., Fragkou E., Tsegas G., Barmpas F., Moussiopoulos N.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
This study is part of the LIFE GAIA Sense project, aiming to evaluate the environmental efficiency of Smart Farming (SF) through LCA and to produce recommendations for good agricultural practices. Thus, the environmental performance of SF treatment, specifically regarding fertilizers/pesticides...Read more
life cycle analysis, air quality management, environmental management, sustainable agriculture, smart farming
Evaluating the water quality of stormwater runoffs in urban area
(Corresponding) Yang F., Gato-Trinidad S., Hossain I.
Heavy metals in the environment
This paper presents the results of stormwater quality monitoring from four constructed wetlands located in residential and industrial catchments. Preliminary results revealed that pollutants’ types and concentrations vary depending on the catchments’ characteristics. It is found that the...Read more
Heavy metals, best practice management, stormwater runoff, water quality
The education approach to sustainable water management
(Corresponding) Vgenopoulou E., Evrenoglou L., Damikouka I.
Sustainability & the SDGs
Water has a leading role in sustainable development. Water security is a key challenge worldwide. In recent years, new challenges from intensive urbanization and climate change have come to the fore. These challenges are intertwined with environmental, economic and social issues, which threaten the...Read more
environmental education, water education, water management, sustainable development, water safety.
Collective Action for Sustainable Water Resource Management: Analytical Framework and Company Initiatives
Tripathi s., (Corresponding) Kiritsi a., Patiniotis I.
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and circular economy
The water resource management is an important
area for accomplishing the sustainability. During last one
to two decades, there have been many innovations in
managing the water resources at different levels and across
different contexts. The present paper examines the
innovation in...Read more
Sustainability; Water Resource Management; Collective Action