Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Construction Projects through Effective Pollution Management Strategies

Paper ID: 
Urban environment and health
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
(Corresponding) Corpus R., Bayani M., Almacha A., Tana K.
Construction initiatives can substantially contribute to air, water, and soil pollution, as well as soil degradation. These activities can have long-lasting negative effects on local communities and ecosystems. It is imperative to develop and implement effective construction pollution management strategies to address this issue. This study intends to investigate the various strategies that can be implemented to reduce the environmental impact of construction projects. It will concentrate on identifying the sources of construction-related pollution and determining how to regulate them effectively. Additionally, the research will assess the current status of construction industry pollution management practices and identify areas for improvement. In addition to a comprehensive literature evaluation, the research methodology will include surveys and case studies of construction projects that have effectively implemented pollution management strategies. The results of the study will be utilized to develop a set of best practices for construction pollution management, which will be presented to construction professionals in the form of a practical guide. The findings of this study will have significant ramifications for the construction industry, as well as for policymakers, regulators, and other constituents concerned with the environmental impact of construction activities. This study will contribute to the development of more sustainable construction practices that minimize environmental damage and promote long-term environmental health by highlighting the significance of effective pollution management strategies.
environmental pollution, construction management , Air Quality