The education approach to sustainable water management
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Water has a leading role in sustainable development. Water security is a key challenge worldwide. In recent years, new challenges from intensive urbanization and climate change have come to the fore. These challenges are intertwined with environmental, economic and social issues, which threaten the world's population and lead to an increased responsibility to improve the management of water resources in a sustainable way in order to ensure the life and future of the earth. Despite the efforts that have been made, water management is a cause for concern. Education can empower people in such a way that they become active agents of sustainable development themselves and this could be a fundamental step towards a better global future. The article seeks to highlight the necessity of water as a subject of environmental education and to state the conditions required for its successful implementation, in order to achieve awareness of natural resources and develop capacities for the sustainability of our global society.
environmental education, water education, water management, sustainable development, water safety.