Multi-Actor projects (MAPs) are a type of action funded by the EU Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes to foster agricultural innovation in response to the challenges of climate change and rural depopulation. This study describes the regional deployment and synergies of 120 MAPs coordinated...Read more
Rural development, EUREKA, Innovation drivers, AKIS, Green Deal
A new trend for urban planning: the vision and the challenges
(Corresponding) Voukkali I., Papamichael I., Loizia P., Zorpas A., Stylianou M.
15- and 30-minute cities
The world population is expanding rapidly, causing a number of economic, environmental, and social consequences including crowd roads, higher traffic demand, and longer travel times to basic services. More than two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities by 2050. The 15-minute...Read more
15 minutes city, urbanization, urban planning, sustainable development
Mathematics for Optimal Design of Sustainable Infrastructures
(Corresponding) Vázquez-Méndez M., Alvarez-Vázquez L., García-Chan N., Martínez A., Rodríguez C.
Sustainability & the SDGs
The main objective of this work is to show how mathematics, particularly the combination of modelling, numerical simulation and optimization, is a useful tool in the design of sustainable infrastructures. To do it, we clarify what we understand by systems optimization and present three interesting...Read more
Sustainable Development Goals, Systems Optimization, Modelling, Numerical Simulation, Optimal Control
The education approach to sustainable water management
(Corresponding) Vgenopoulou E., Evrenoglou L., Damikouka I.
Sustainability & the SDGs
Water has a leading role in sustainable development. Water security is a key challenge worldwide. In recent years, new challenges from intensive urbanization and climate change have come to the fore. These challenges are intertwined with environmental, economic and social issues, which threaten the...Read more
environmental education, water education, water management, sustainable development, water safety.
SYMSITES-EcoSites Implementation for Industrial-Urban Symbiosis through Social and Technological Solutions
(Corresponding) Pérez E., Osmdan P., Blanes M.
EU Projects showcase
The SYMSITES project aims at implemeting the Industrial - Urban Symbiosis (I-US) concept by newly developed technologies and solutions for wastewater treatment and reuse supported by an IT Management system, while applying a digital and circular economy. This will be achieved with local and...Read more
AnMBR, industrial waste, regional development, wastewater, water reuse
Transforming wild rabbits’ overpopulation problem into a local biotic resource of Lemnos island
Vasios G., (Corresponding) Gialeli M., Zaragkali F., Roumelioti A., Tsiota G., Koufos G., Tapazidou P., Kakaroglou I., Antoniadis I., Troumbis A.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
For more than 20 years, the European Wild Rabbit (WR) (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) is considered a pest in Lemnos island, Greece, due to significant crop damage. Authorities took insufficient actions to control WR overpopulation, resulting only in managing its effect on crop losses with farmers’...Read more
Oryctolagus cuniculus, Lemnos, sustainable development, hunting, local gastronomy