SYMSITES-EcoSites Implementation for Industrial-Urban Symbiosis through Social and Technological Solutions

Paper ID: 
EU Projects showcase
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
(Corresponding) PĂ©rez E., Osmdan P., Blanes M.
The SYMSITES project aims at implemeting the Industrial - Urban Symbiosis (I-US) concept by newly developed technologies and solutions for wastewater treatment and reuse supported by an IT Management system, while applying a digital and circular economy. This will be achieved with local and regional collaborations i.e., Municipalities, Universities and research centers, Large and Small Enterprises. The project output will enhance the sustainability and environment in the specific region. The implementation of the regional I-US will be proven in four European regions, different in geographic, socioeconomic, and environmental aspects. The co-treatment of wastewater and other urban and industrial waste in each of the four EcoSites will allow the recovery of energy, water, and high-value-added products.
AnMBR, industrial waste, regional development, wastewater, water reuse