Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Climate change, overheating and public health: analysis of dynamic and correlations in EU regions
(Corresponding) Tsemekidi S., Tsoutsos T.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks
An intense concern about global warming and increased temperatures as a result of climate change has been observed worldwide during the last decades. The need for cooling expressed in Cooling Degree Days (CDD) at the EU level has increased by 169.8% since 1980. Extreme temperatures, intense...Read more
climate change; overheating; correlation; mortality; vulnerability; public health
Assessing the Effects and Dangers of Climate Change on the Environment and Society of the Philippines
Corpus R., (Corresponding) Bayani M., (Corresponding) Ado R.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks
The Philippines is one of the most susceptible nations to climate change's effects. It is anticipated that the frequency and severity of extreme weather events such as typhoons, floods, and droughts will increase over the next few decades. This thesis seeks to evaluate the environmental and...Read more
Dynamical downscaling of medium- and short-term climate series for assessing climate impacts on a world heritage site
(Corresponding) Antoniou A., Tsegas G., Moussiopoulos N.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks
The present work utilizes two non-hydrostatic, mesoscale numerical weather forecast models, namely the Weather Research and Forecasting – Advanced Research WRF (WRF) model and the Mesoscale Model (MEMO), to dynamically downscale climatic series by performing high-resolution atmospheric simulations...Read more
Assessing Climate Change Impacts in the Tana Basin, Ethiopia
(Corresponding) Bagtzoglou A., Khadim F., Dokou Z., Lazin R., Anagnostou E.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks
Climate change effects on long-term groundwater (GW) resource developments in the Tana Basin, Ethiopia, are a growing concern. To address this we deployed a fine-resolution (500 m) GW model using MODFLOW-NWT for the Tana Basin, Upper the Blue Nile region. The GW model was calibrated based on 98...Read more
groundwater model; sustainability; MODFLOW-NWT; Upper Blue Nile