Displaying 11 - 20 of 28 in recovery (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Catalytic reduction of Cr(VI) using recovered Silicon from end-of-life photovoltaic panels as a catalyst
Pavlopoulos C., Kyriakopoulou V., (Corresponding) Papadopoulou K., Lyberatos G.
Wastewater treatment
As installed photovoltaic panels (PVP) approach their end of life, the need for a sustainable recovery plan becomes imperative. This work aims to reuse Silicon from End-of-Life PVP as a potential catalyst/photocatalyst for wastewater treatment. PVPs were pretreated thermally (550°C for 30 min). The...Read more
The Lombard Dairy Industry in the Perspective of Circular Economy: Degree of Application and Improvement Potentials
(Corresponding) Mehner E., Fantin V., Pizzichini D., Vergalli S., Vaccari M.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Circular Economy is an economic concept, aiming at increasing resource efficiency, recirculating resource streams and minimizing waste of an industrial process. Thereby, ideally, environmental impacts can be decreased while the profitability of the considered process is improved. This concept is...Read more
Can the seasonal variability affect the BMP of fruit and vegetable waste?
(Corresponding) Scotto di Perta E., Lamboglia R., Cesaro A., Frunzo L., Esposito G., Papirio S.
Food waste
Fruit and vegetable waste (FVW), largely produced in open markets, is characterized by highly putrescible materials, thus being a proper substrate for anaerobic digestion. This study investigated the effect of the seasonal variation of FVW, on the biochemical methane potential (BMP). To this end,...Read more
anaerobic digestion, open market waste, methane, energy recovery
Bioleaching of valuable elements from red mud using autochthonous biomass
(Corresponding) Cozzolino A., Cappai G., Cara S., Milia S., Carucci A.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Red mud (RM) is the main residue produced by the alkaline extraction of aluminum from bauxite, and it contains valuable metals (e.g., iron, aluminum, titanium, silicon). Aim of this research was to investigate the biologically induced leaching of valuable elements from RM using autochthonous...Read more
bioleaching, circular economy, metals recovery, red mud.
Optimum technical operating conditions and treatments for the production of high-purity struvite fertilizer from livestock wastewater.
Kallikazarou N., Koutsokeras L., Constantinide E., Constantinides G., (Corresponding) Antoniou M.
Inadequate treatment of nutrient-rich waste streams originating from human activities such as agriculture, animal breeding, urbanization, and industrialization causes an array of environmental problems. Among them are eutrophication of surface water, nutrients and pathogens leaching into...Read more
Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCBs) as a potential source for the recovery of rare earth elements through bioleaching.
(Corresponding) Gonzalez Baez A., Pantoja Muñoz L., Garelick H., Purchase D.
Electric and electronic waste
Rare earth elements (e.g., neodymium, dysprosium and praseodymium) have contributed to the miniaturization, energy efficiency, durability, and high speed of many technology gadgets. Due to their electric conductivity, magnetic, luminescence and optical properties, rare earth elements (REE) are...Read more
Nutrients recovery from anaerobic digestion effluent for the production of microalgae biomass
(Corresponding) Psachoulia P., Schortsianiti S., Dergiade I., Chatzidoukas C., Samaras P.
Wastewater treatment
The efficient management of anaerobic digestion effluents (ADEs) from biogas plants has raised increasing environmental concerns, as a result of their high content in nutrients, mostly in the form of NH4- and PO4-. Their discharge to farmlands is restricted due to irrigation guidelines, while...Read more
Evaluation of Pressure-Driven Membrane Processes for Nutrients Recovery from Dilute Effluents
Tsaridou C., Karanasiou A., (Corresponding) Plakas K., Karabelas A.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Results are presented from an ongoing R&D project, aiming at full utilization of dairy-industry effluents. Development of a membrane-based method is pursued, for treatment of digestate (after fermentation yielding bio-gas) to recover nutrients (N-NH4, P-PO4) and water for reuse/recycling or...Read more
nanofiltration, ultra-low-pressure reverse osmosis, dairy industry effluents, anaerobic digestate, ammonium and phosphorous recovery
OZKAN E., (Corresponding) AKDAG Y., BELER-BAYKAL B.
New solutions for a better and sustainable agriculture
Source separated human urine, a highly concentrated solution of nutrients, may be recycled directly or indirectly for further use as fertilizer. While environmental engineers (EnvE) recommend and set the fundamentals of this practice for valorizing a wastewater stream, farmers are the immediate...Read more
source separated human urine, fertilizer, nutrient recovery/recycling, acceptance of farmers and environmental engineers as occupational groups, Ecological Sanitation (ECOSAN)
AliCy as Extractant to Remove Iron from Copper-Free Extreme AMD for Further Extraction of Zinc
Nobahar A., Melka A., Neves L., Carlier J., (Corresponding) Costa M.
Wastewater treatment
A previous work showed that copper can be specifically extracted from acid mine drainage (AMD) classified as high-acid and extreme-metals (pH 1.19, ~63 g/L Fe, ~6.5 g/L Al, ~5.3 g/L Cu, ~1.9 g/L Zn and ~0.1 g/L Mn), using 30% (v/v) Acorga M5640 in Shell GTL (a kerosene like solvent) as extractant...Read more