CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
(Corresponding) Vecino X., Reig M., López J., Valderrama C., Gibert O., Cortina J.
Water and wastewater reuse
Mining wastewaters, containing heavy metals such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), have a huge impact on the environment due to they are not biodegradable and tend to bioaccumulate in plants or living organisms. Therefore, in this work the performance of ion-exchange and solvent-impregnated resins were...Read more
Mining wastewaters; metal recovery; ion-exchange process
A simple and flexible flowsheet process for recycling efficiently and selectively metals from spent fluid cracking catalysts
(Corresponding) Soares H., (Corresponding) Sadeghi M., (Corresponding) Jesus J., (Corresponding) Pinto E., (Corresponding) Almeida A.
Solid waste management
Fluid cracking catalysts (FCCs) are used in the oil industry to crack large molecules into smaller hydrocarbons of interest, such as gasoline and other products. Considering the large volume of FCCs waste generated on a yearly basis (about 20 thousand tons of spent FCCs worldwide) as well as its...Read more
Fluid cracking catalysts, simple and nearly-closed process, recovery of La, recovery of Al
Hyperspectral imaging based cascade detection applied to paper, cardboard, plastics and multilayer packaging sorting
(Corresponding) Bonifazi G., Gasbarrone R., Serranti S.
Solid waste management
Recycling of post-consumer packaging wastes involves a complex chain of activities, usually based on three main stages, that is: i) collection from households or recovery from MSW, ii) sorting and, finally, iii) mechanical recycling. This paper investigate the sorting logics, hyperspectral imaging...Read more
Cobalt and Phosphorous Recovery from Semiconductor Wastewater through Homogeneous Crystallization of Cobalt Phosphate in a Fluidized-bed Reactor
Bayon L., Ballesteros Jr. F., Segura-Garcia S., (Corresponding) Lu M.
Heavy metals in the environment
Semiconductor manufacturing involves distinct processes that generate complex wastewater streams that require treatment before it proceeds to the main wastewater effluents. The present study utilized fluidized-bed crystallization to recover resources from the combined synthetic wastewater of...Read more
Bioleaching for metal recovery from telecoms switchboard
Baniasadi M., (Corresponding) Farnaud S., Graves J., Renshaw D., Moris S.
Electric and electronic waste
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are a necessity for electronic equipment to function especially in the telecommunications industry. From a PCB for broadcasting networks to PCBs for office communications they are what makes electronic communications equipment operate. The sophistication possible with...Read more
Enabling the Total Resource Utilization (TRU) Habitat
Tsantrizos P., (Corresponding) Curry N.
Water, energy and/or food nexus
Terragon Environmental Technologies Inc. has developed a suite of user-friendly technologies to treat solid and liquid byproducts of human consumption now considered “waste” and convert them into “resources” that can be re-used in the same place in which they are generated (in situ). These...Read more
resource recovery, waste-to-energy, grey water, black water, on-site waste management
An innovative and eco-friendly approach to recover gold (and copper) from gold fingers of waste printed circuit boards
Sousa P., Martelo L., Bastos M., Marques A., (Corresponding) Soares H.
Sustainable supply of raw materials
Recycling waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) is a complex problem worldwide and sustainable technologies are required. So, this work aims to offer an innovative (an European patent was submitted, EP 20216239.2 1) and more sustainable solution to recover high-value materials (gold and copper) from...Read more
E-waste, Printed circuit board recycling, Physical and chemical processes; Gold and copper recovery.
Strategies for the improvement of VFAs recovery in the nanofiltration process within the circular economy framework
Pervez M., Uwineza C., Sapmaz T., Mahboubi A., Hasan ., Cai Y., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Taherzadeh ., (Corresponding) Naddeo V.
Food waste
Over the past decades, the anaerobic digestion (AD) process has been employed as a potential medium to produce valuable resources from the waste-based feedstock. Moreover, the use of AD technology can generate not only resources, but it also creates an avenue for useful chemicals recovery to...Read more
An overview of pressure-driven membrane technologies for a sustainable recovery of volatile fatty acids (VFAs)
Pervez M., Mahboubi A., Hasan S., Cai Y., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Taherzadeh M., (Corresponding) Naddeo V.
Food waste
Currently, petroleum-based volatile fatty acids (VFAs) sources are not acceptable towards sustainable development goals (SDG); therefore, biobased-derived VFAs are of interest. Anaerobic digestion has been identified as a useful technology for the production of biobased VFAs from organic waste...Read more
Applying solar distillation for the sustainable management of olive mill wastewater
Mastoras P., Gatidou G., Vakalis S., Fountoulakis M., Haralampopoulos D., (Corresponding) Stasinakis A.
Wastewater treatment
Olive mill wastewater (OMWW) is a major by-product of olive oil production industry. Its chemical characteristics (high concentrations of COD and TSS, low pH value, existence of total phenols at the range of some ppm) does not allow its efficient treatment using conventional physiochemical or...Read more
olive mill wastewater, solar distillation, polyphenolic compounds, antioxidants, recovery