Conference proceedings

Displaying 51 - 53 of 53 in pollution (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Plastic waste utilization: Challenges and opportunities for waste-to-energy in Baguio City, Philippines

(Corresponding) Duran J., Victoriano J., Lunag Jr. M., Diccion Jr. A., Putiyon P., Solijon J.
Amounts of residual wastes, such as plastics, paper, and textiles, in urban areas have drastically increased over the years, which hence requires sustainable waste management schemes. Refuse derived fuel (RDF) provides a solution in addressing minimizing waste disposal in landfills and providing...Read more
plastic pollution; residual waste; RDF; sustainability; waste-to-energy
Paper ID: 

A comprehensive monitoring approach to evaluate the impact of an urban landfill on a naturally reducing aquifer

(Corresponding) Preziosi E., Parrone D., Frollini E., Ciotoli G., Sciarra A., Ruggiero L., Ghergo S.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
The processes leading to high levels of arsenic, iron, and manganese in a naturally reducing aquifer beneath a landfill are investigated. Traditional groundwater monitoring (physical-chemical parameters, major and trace inorganic compounds, organic compounds) has been complemented with the analysis...Read more
groundwater, methane, environmental isotope, urban waste, pollution
Paper ID: 

Year-round assessment of water pollutants in five Greek rivers

(Corresponding) Lymperopoulou T., Zarkaliou A., Papadopoulou K., Lyberatos G.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
Globally, an estimated 80% of industrial and municipal wastewater is discharged into the environment without any prior treatment, with adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem. The current study was conducted for a year-round assessment of water pollutants in five Greek rivers (Glafkos,...Read more
pollution, river, hexavalent chromium
Paper ID: 