Year-round assessment of water pollutants in five Greek rivers

Paper ID: 
River systems in diverse climates and environments
Published under CEST2023
Proceedings ISBN:
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
(Corresponding) Lymperopoulou T., Zarkaliou A., Papadopoulou K., Lyberatos G.
Globally, an estimated 80% of industrial and municipal wastewater is discharged into the environment without any prior treatment, with adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem. The current study was conducted for a year-round assessment of water pollutants in five Greek rivers (Glafkos, Assopos, Kifissos, Messapios and Rematia-Halandri). The rivers were selected based on their vicinity to municipal or industrial areas. All values of parameters determined were below permissible limits for the rivers selected. Only Kifisos River showed relatively elevated concentrations for arsenic and manganese. In Assopos River, manganese was slightly higher in spring while in Glafkos was increased in winter. Chromium in Messapios River in Evia was found to be much higher than in other surface waters. Nitrates in Rematia – Halandri were higher than the other surface waters.
pollution, river, hexavalent chromium