Conference proceedings

Displaying 121 - 130 of 314 in (remove filter), CEST2023 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Lateral and vertical variations of pharmaceutical contaminants in natural aquatic systems

(Corresponding) Mariano S., Singh R., Angeles L., Aga D., Jaraula C.
Emerging pollutants
The detection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in environmental matrices raised concerns over their short- and long-term effects on the ecosystem. Wastewater is the primary carrier of PPCPs to the environment in highly urbanized regions. In the Philippines, Manila Bay serves as...Read more
emerging contaminants, antibiotics, PPCPs, surface waters, coastal waters
Paper ID: 

How science-society interactions design post-mining territories: transdisciplinary patterns in Cevennes, France

(Corresponding) Bonincontro T., Cerceau J., Tena-Chollet F., Becerra S.
The impact of citizen science on environmental attitudes, behaviour and knowledge
Abstract In line with the European Union's guidelines, the context of a mining resurgence in metropolitan France plans the prospective opening or reopening of mines. In this general context, the politicization of the post-mining subsurface is sparked by this mining industry rebirth, linked to...Read more
citizen science, transdisciplinarity, knowledge, post-mining territory
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Understanding of consumers' water consumption preferences and environmental consciousness

Theodoridou G., Avramidou P., Kassianidis P., Partalidou M., (Corresponding) Samaras P.
The impact of citizen science on environmental attitudes, behaviour and knowledge
Water is arguably nowadays one of the most important commodities of increasing socio-economic and political value. Several studies have investigated the factors influencing consumers' perception of water quality and water service quality and conclude that are influenced by a constellation of...Read more
drinking water, bottled water, purchasing behavior, ecological consciousness
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Changes in geomorphic units alter nitrogen fixation in a large lowland tropical river

(Corresponding) Gani M.
Ecological effects of environmental change
The present investigation was carried out over 50 km reach, the Padma River of Bangladesh, downstream of the confluence of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. The study area is highly dynamic, with diverse geomorphic units, high rates of bank erosion, and sediment abstraction. Sentinel-2 imagery (...Read more
Geomorphic units, nitrogen fixation, Seasonal variation, Tropical river, Bangladesh
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Assessing the progress of insular areas in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The case of six isolated Greek islands

(Corresponding) Chalastani V., Veniou M., Tsoukala V.
Sustainability & the SDGs
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) localisation describes the complex process of translating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development within the local context and challenges, defining, implementing and monitoring local actions and strategies that contribute to the global achievement of the...Read more
SDGs, Insularity, Islands, Indicators
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Predictive Transport Model of Bisphenol-A in Main Pampanga River

(Corresponding) Austero S., Resurreccion A., Rollon A., Ballesteros F., Kwan C., Herrera E., Sinoy M., Macasieb R.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Phenolic endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) like Bisphenol-A (BPA) can interfere in the natural processes being done by the endocrine system of living organisms. To assess the effect of such contaminant in the Main Pampanga River of the Philippines, a transport model was developed using the...Read more
Endocrine disrupting compounds, Bisphenol-A, HEC-HMS, WASP, Pampanga River
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Improved storage and handling of fine recycled concrete aggregates by accelerated carbonation: towards a quantification method

Vogt S., Koeniger L., Brück F., (Corresponding) Weigand H.
Construction and demolition waste
The fines fraction generated by crushing of concrete waste for production of recycled concrete aggregates amounts to 40 - 60 mass-%. Technically, fine recycled concrete aggregates (0 - 2 mm, fRCA) may be employed as a sand substitute in new concrete products. This is, however, hampered by the...Read more
construction and demolition waste, recycled concrete aggregates, concrete fines, accelerated carbonation
Paper ID: 

Valorization of waste graphite deriving from "End Of Life Lithium-Ion Battery recycling" for a second use in wastewater treatment.

(Corresponding) Premathilake D., (Corresponding) Vaccari M., Botelho Junior A., Tenório J., Espinosa D., Colombi F.
Recycling of materials to new products
Exponential utilization of Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has produced a notable amount of hazardous waste recently. The current practices focus on recovering precious metals available in cathode giving less priority for anode material (graphite) recoveries and valorizations. However, thinning of...Read more
LIB recycling, Graphite valorization, adsorption experiments, Wastewater treatment, Black mass recycling
Paper ID: 

Development of flood risk maps using Remote Sensing Techniques in Cyprus

(Corresponding) Kountouri J., Mettas C., Evagorou E., Hadjimitsis D.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
Floods are the most devastating natural disasters and are likely to become more frequent, dominant, and severe due to climate change, population growth, urbanization, and other factors related to watersheds and human activities. A flood can be defined as a body of water that causes runoff to land...Read more
Flood, Risk assessment, Modelling, Earth Observation , GIS
Paper ID: 

Improve the post-harvest quality of fruits based on edible natural resources

RODINO S., (Corresponding) BUTU M., (Corresponding) BUTU A.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Edible coatings and films from natural resources from which benefit both the consumer and the environment. In general, edible coatings and films are a combination of polysaccharides, proteins, lipids and plasticizers, used to improve the functional properties and general quality parameters of...Read more
edible coatings, edible films, fruits, natural resources,plant extracts
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