Displaying 191 - 200 of 515 in CEST2019 (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Life cycle assessment of the use of biomass as energy source in Northern Greece
Dounavis A., Karamanos L., Lekkas D., (Corresponding) Klontza E.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Decrease of fossil fuel consumption in the energy sector is an important step towards more sustainable energy production. On the other hand, domestic and imported biomass or biofuels which are used as energy sources play an important role in many future energy scenarios and national policies...Read more
biomass, Life cycle analysis, pellet, energy, Western Macedonia
How to identify a representative subset of hydro-climatic simulations for impact modelling studies?
(Corresponding) PECHLIVANIDIS I., Gupta H., Bosshard T.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Uncertainties in hydro-climatic projections are (in part) related to different components of the modeling chain. Although a combination of numerous projections (ensemble) would be needed to characterize the overall uncertainty, in practice a small set of scenario combinations are constructed to...Read more
Representative projections, information theory, climate change impacts, maximum information minimum redundancy, model ensembles
Adsorption of heavy metals (hexavalent chromium, lead, manganese and cadmium) on multiwall carbon nanotubes
(Corresponding) Mpouras T., Papadaki S., Dermatas D., Papassiopi N.
Nanomaterials in the environmnents applications and effects
Nanotechnology holds great potential in the sector of water/wastewater treatment since it is considered as an advanced technology for improving water quality. Carbon nanotubes is a carbonaceous material that shows exceptional adsorption capacity for the removal of heavy metals due to their novel...Read more
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): an emerging contaminant
(Corresponding) Toskos T., Panagiotakis I., Dermatas D.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
PFAS compounds are ubiquitous in the environment and in consumer products. Unlike other emergent contaminants this is a family of compounds with, literally, thousands of compounds. Our knowledge of toxicological and environmental fate and transport properties is an evolving field. On the other hand...Read more
Recovery of rare earth elements from luminophores using the red alga Galdieria
Čížková M., Bišová K., Zachleder V., Mezricky D., Rucki M., (Corresponding) Vítová M.
Electric and electronic waste
The red alga Galdieria phlegrea was used as an experimental organism to test bioaccumulation of rare earth elements (REEs) from luminophores. Algal cells were cultured mixotrophically in a liquid medium with addition of glycerol as a source of carbon. Luminophores from two different sources (...Read more
rare earth elements; red algae; Galdieria; waste; luminophores
Challenges for the development of green organizations
(Corresponding) Grudziński A., (Corresponding) Sulich A.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
The ecological nature of the organization is one of the important topics discussed in the field of the theory of durable and sustainable development and CSR practices. What is more, being a "green organization" has become not only fashionable but also beneficial. Ecological issues are...Read more
green jobs, green management, qualitative analysis
The importance of the Ecosystem Approach in management of the marine environment
(Corresponding) Tseliou F., Tselepides A.
Environmental management and policies
The present paper focuses on the importance of the Ecosystem Approach (EA) for the preservation and conservation of the marine environment. Marine ecosystems are complex entities that contribute significantly to the sustainable well being of people by providing a wide range of goods and services...Read more
Ecosystem Approach, blue growth, sustainable shipping, marine spatial planning.
Optimization of decentralized treatment and sanitation of domestic wastewaters via constructed wetlands: The DOMUS_CW project
(Corresponding) Ntaikou I., Antonopoulou G., Vyrides I., Drakopoulos V., Dailianis S., Lyberatos G.
Wastewater treatment
The DOMUS_CW project proposes the adoption of a simple, cost efficient and highly effective practice for the treatment of domestic/household wastewaters in rural areas of Balkan and Mediterranean (BalkanMed) countries, i.e. treatment via constructed wetlands (CWs). Two free surface flow CWs...Read more
Occurrence and distribution of hexavalent chromium in ground and surface waters in Cyprus under the CrITERIA project
(Corresponding) Zissimos A., Christofi C., Christoforou I., Rigas M.
Efficient water resources management in cr(vi) impacted water bodies
The origin and distribution of hexavalent chromium, Cr (VI) over four seasonal cycles was investigated through a conceptual model that included three aquifer systems in Cyprus. An extensive water sampling grid covered two areas of known sea water intrusion of the local coastal aquifers, namely the...Read more
Hydrothermal pretreatment optimization for enhanced anaerobic digestion of willow sawdust
Solid waste management
Lignocellulosic biomass including agricultural and forestry residues such as willow sawdust could be used as feedstock for anaerobic digestion (AD). Hydrolysis has been shown to be the rate-limiting step in the case of AD of such substrates. Although being abundant, since the annual world...Read more