The importance of the Ecosystem Approach in management of the marine environment
Paper ID:
Environmental management and policies
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
The present paper focuses on the importance of the Ecosystem Approach (EA) for the preservation and conservation of the marine environment. Marine ecosystems are complex entities that contribute significantly to the sustainable well being of people by providing a wide range of goods and services. The economic benefits acquired, due to their function, are enormous and to a large extent impossible to estimate. Thus, due to the extensive and irrational use, and overexploitation of marine resources, arises the need for an integrated, holistic, approach in order to achieve sustainable management. The EA is based on the deeper understanding of the ecological, economical, societal and cultural interactions and constitutes the ultimate tool for the implementation and achievement of sustainable development. EA is the key for balancing out a number of users of marine resources and stakeholders so as to promote the critical role of the green economy and (sustainable) blue growth, which includes maritime activities, fisheries, renewable energy, blue biotechnology etc. The objective always remains to optimize the benefits provided by the oceans while at the same time the EA contributes to minimize the pressures of human activities.
Ecosystem Approach, blue growth, sustainable shipping, marine spatial planning.