CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Biotechnological treatment of oil mill waste-water to produce high value-added mycelial products.
Diamantis I., Dedousi M., Melanouri E., Fourtaka K., (Corresponding) Diamantopoulou P.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Several trials with Pleurotus pulmonarius mushroom were carried out in liquid state cultures, in synthetic media containing commercial glycose and olive mill wastewater (OMW) with phenolics concentration adjusted to 10% and 30% v/v. Results demonstrated that at the end of fermentation period the...Read more
(Corresponding) Angelis-Dimakis A., Pieri T., Nicacio I., Vyrkou A., Arampatzis G., Dedousis P., Liew Z., Sim C., Yusup S.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Under the Paris agreement, Malaysia has set its target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45% by 2030 (35% of which is on an unconditional basis), having 2005 as the base year. Carbon capture and utilization, together with an increased use of renewable energy sources, will be one of the main...Read more
Industrial Symbiosis, Carbon Capture Utilization, Malaysia, Biogenic Sources
Solid Waste Reuse in the Balkan-Mediterranean Region
(Corresponding) Angelis-Dimakis A., Arampatzis G., Alexopoulos A., Pantazopoulos A., Angelis V.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
The wide implementation of circular economy and industrial symbiosis in the Balkan and Mediterranean region lags behind most of the other European countries. The economic crisis has had a significant impact to the local businesses, eliminating new investments. Regarding specifically solid waste,...Read more
Industrial Symbiosis, Solid Waste, Balkan Region, Business Models
Do pro-environmental attitudes affect the adoption of flying cars in touristic regions?
(Corresponding) Koumoutsidi A., Pagoni I., Polydoropoulou A.
Environmental impacts of tourism and sustainable tourism development
The decarbonization of the transportation sector requires the adoption of low-carbon power sources and technological progress in vehicles’ energy efficiency. Flying cars constitute innovative transport modes that have exploited technological advancements such as electrification to provide a more...Read more
flying cars, air taxis, environmental attitudes, environmental footprint
Assessment of particulate pollution in a medium sized Greek city - the effect of biomass burning and COVID-19 lockdown
(Corresponding) Diamanti V., Triantafyllou A., Garas S.
Air pollution
Airborne particulate matter (PM) with an aerodynamic diameter of 10μm or less has severe negative effects on human health. In many European urban environments, small residential heating appliances contribute significantly to the degradation of air quality by generating a substantial quantity of PM...Read more
PM2.5/PM10, PM1/PM2.5, urban air quality, biomass burning
Microalgae biomass cultivation and harvesting optimization in biological carbon capture and utilization systems for biofuels production
(Corresponding) Senatore V., Zarra T., Oliva G., Buonerba A., Napodano P., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
The boosting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the atmosphere due to anthropogenic activity contributes significantly to climate change. According to the Green Deal by 2050, net zero greenhouse gas emissions must be achieved. Therefore, actions are needed in order to control GHG emissions. The...Read more
Life cycle assessment of microalgal membrane photobioreactors
Senatore V., (Corresponding) Zarra T., Lazzarini F., Oliva G., Buonerba A., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
The exploration of new biomass sources for energy purposes is increasing. Cultivation of algal biomass for biofuels production through photobioreactor represents an attractive and useful way to obtain clean energy, also thanks to the contribution that the system makes on the reduction of climate...Read more
sustainability, biofuels, microalgae, climate change, life cycle assessment
Application of cutting-edge environmental technologies for the development of resilient and sustainable cities
(Corresponding) Senatore V., Giaquinto D., Zarra T., Oliva G., Buonerba A., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The development of resilient and sustainable cities emerged as a solution to tackle the several challenges arising from the exponential growth of urban areas population worldwide. The implementation of environmental technologies represents a solution to minimize negative impacts of crowded cities...Read more
Desalinated Water and Power for a Seaside Hotel: A Case Study using Off-grid Solar and Wind
Tounsi A., Ghamgui M., (Corresponding) Tadeo F.
Environmental management and policies
A hybrid combination of solar and wind energies for a remote seaside hotel is analyzed. More specifically, a hotel in Hammamet, Tunisia, powered by photovoltaic panels and a wind turbine is evaluated, with water generated by desalination using reverse osmosis. This isolated accommodation...Read more
Average seasonal soil erosion and sediment deposition in the Aliakmon and Axios river catchments using the RUSLE model
Pataki Z., Patera A., Kontopoulos C., Karantanellis E., (Corresponding) Kitsiou D., Nitis T., Kostopoulou M., Grammalidis N., Tzepkenlis A., Charalampopoulou B.
Estimation and prediction under past and future conditions (climate, population, land use change)
Anthropogenic pressures in coastal areas are responsible for various problems that might cause degradation of their environmental status and limitations in the provision of their ecosystem services. In this framework, the assessment of soil erosion and sediment deposition is of major importance...Read more