CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Acute toxicity of polystyrene microplastics and cobalt assessed individually or in combination on “Amphibalanus amphitrite”
(Corresponding) NOUSHEEN R., Rittschof D., Hashmi I.
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
Study was carried out to assess the ecotoxicity and interaction of polystyrene (PS) microspheres and trace element, cobalt (Co). Stage II nauplii of Amphibalanus amphitrite were exposed to environmentally relevant (250 and 1000 particles/ml) and future high (2000 particles/ml) concentrationss of...Read more
Anaerobic biodesulfurization in different inoculums
Stylianou M., Samanides C., Vyrides I., (Corresponding) Agapiou A.
Environmental odour, monitoring and control
Sulfur compounds in liquid fuel are undesirable and the level of these compounds in diesel fuel is strictly regulated in the last 15 years by the European Union. These stringent regulations are imposing an urgent requirement for fuel terminals to produce fuels having ultra-low sulfur content. A...Read more
A topographical approach to survey environmental adaptation assessment on a mountain trail as a pathway to local prosperity
Moutsopoulos D., (Corresponding) Stergiadou A., Psilovikos T.
Spatial environmental planning
Mountainous trails represent unique ways into the wild nature. No matter the difficulties or the hours of reaching the end point of a mountain trail; the joy of hiking to desirable and adventurous places makes the hikers the happiest persons. The need of a topographical approach to survey...Read more
The role of biomass and biowaste in the green energy transition of islands and an introduction to the μgas-to-grid concept
(Corresponding) Vakalis S., Fountoulakis M.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The green transition of the energy sector in islands has always been a challenging task. The connectivity of islands with the (mainland) central grid can be problematic, especially when the distance is significant. In such cases, isolated electrical grids need to be developed on the islands, and...Read more
Syngas, Biogas, Natural gas grid, Biowaste, Isolated Grid, Sustainable Energy
Evaluation of real bilge water toxic effects on methanogenic activity
(Corresponding) Gatidou G., Samanides C., Vyrides I.
Wastewater treatment
Bilge water (BW), an oily residue that is accumulated at the bottom of vessels, is mainly generated from pipes’ and engines’ leakage and consisted of lubricating and diesel oil, cleaning solvents, oily sludge and other hydraulic/engine spills from seawater filtrations as well as fresh and seawater...Read more
A versatile decision-support tool to assess air quality and health effects
(Corresponding) Relvas H., Ferreira J., Lopes D., Rafael S., Almeida S., Diapouli E., Miranda A.
Air pollution
This work presents a web-based policy tool for the development of effective particulate matter (PM) pollution strategies. The tool is based on an integrated modelling approach, from emissions to health effects, which allows testing measures to improve air quality, focused on PM2.5 levels, and...Read more
Detection of disturbances of thyme habitats on Lemnos island with Landsat time series analysis
(Corresponding) Vasios G., Kaloveloni A., Alexoudaki E., Kakaroglou I., Troumbis A.
Spatial environmental planning
Landsat time series data, freely available in recent years, are commonly used for land cover change detection and monitoring ecosystem disturbances. The thyme habitats are areas under protection because of their high ecological value. However, human activity that leads to competition in land use,...Read more
Implementing Circular Economy in Wineries: The Case of Greece
(Corresponding) Kounani A., Sotiropoulou E., Seleventi M.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Grape is considered one of the largest fruit crops in the world, since its 2017 production, the vast majority of which was used in winemaking, reached 74 MT globally and 24 MT in the EU. The main target of this paper is to highlight the urgent need for transforming the linear model into a circular...Read more
Assessing the Utilization of Fuels Cells for the Valorization of Produced Excess Energy in Isolated Grids – The Green Transition of Agios Efstratios
(Corresponding) Dimou A., Vakalis S.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The island of Agios Efstratios is a unique case, since a pilot green energy transition program is taking place. Wind and solar photovoltaic technologies have seen tremendous growth during the past decade and various policy measures have been introduced in support of their growth. For the cases of...Read more
Practical impediments to the effective utilization of Ballast Water Management Plan from Port facilities and Shipping practice
(Corresponding) BOVIATSIS M., Polemis D., Tselentis V.
Wastewater treatment
Since the new Ballast Water Management Convention entered into force in 2017, the ballast water should be cleansed of any harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens, wastes or even bacteria, before being released into a new aquatic environment. For this purpose, the ships are required to carry i) a...Read more
BWM Convention, Ballast Water Management Plan, BWM Record Book, BWM aquatic(bio) map