A topographical approach to survey environmental adaptation assessment on a mountain trail as a pathway to local prosperity

Paper ID: 
Spatial environmental planning
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Moutsopoulos D., (Corresponding) Stergiadou A., Psilovikos T.
Mountainous trails represent unique ways into the wild nature. No matter the difficulties or the hours of reaching the end point of a mountain trail; the joy of hiking to desirable and adventurous places makes the hikers the happiest persons. The need of a topographical approach to survey mountainous trail lead us to use TruePulse 360B – laser technology techniques and digitally mapping in order to select and analyze a trail in a forested area based on environmental adaptation assessment. Since ancient times mountain trails were pathways to local prosperity because they were used for commercial trades. In modern world mountain trails are used for hiking, recreational walks in nature, as an introduction way of new ages in the wild forests by persons in wheelchairs or disable people (deaf, blind, down- syndrome, etc). The aim of this paper is not only to provide a digital map for visiting and exploring the natural beauty near by the Wild Life Museum of various tourist teams especially disable ones; in order to manage the wild trails for the benefit and prosperity of the local community; but also to examine the environmental adaptation of this trail by taking into consideration the protection of the nature.
mountain trail, disable pathway, local prosperity, environmental adaptation assessment, topographical approach