CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
The thermodynamic model of improved desalination using hydrophobic polyelectrolyte gels
(Corresponding) Rud O., Prokacheva V., Uhlik F.
We study a weak polyelectrolyte hydrogel and its application as a desalination agent. We model the desalination process as a four-step reversible thermodynamic cycle transferring ions from a low salinity solution to a high salinity one. As a driving force for ions movement, we use the fact that...Read more
desalination, polyelectrolytes, hydrogels, hydrophobic gel, phase separation, mean-field theory
Assessing the Environmental Impact of Maritime Transport for the Port of Mytilene with a Focus on the Emission Accounting of the Port of Arrival
(Corresponding) Kelmalis A., Lekkas D., Vakalis S.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
Global accounting of the environmental impact from maritime transport is an ongoing conversation. This study introduces the idea that emissions from open-sea cruising can accounted as stock at the port of arrival. An example is presented for the case of Mytilene (for a single month) where the in-...Read more
Clean water – Healthy city. Using of WBE for monitoring of the consumption of illicit drugs in the city Prague
(Corresponding) Očenášková V., Tušil P., Marešová D., Pospíchalová D., Cielecká N.
City metabolism or areas metabolism
The results of the three years long project named Municipal wastewater as a diagnostic medium of the capital city of Prague are presented. The post informs about regular, almost two-year long monitoring of municipal wastewater at selected sampling points of the Prague sewerage network. In addition...Read more
Development of a tool for calculating ship air emissions
(Corresponding) Ventikos N., Kalogeropoulos I., Louzis K., (Corresponding) Stamatopoulou E.
Environmental impact of maritime transport
This paper describes the development of a ship air emissions calculator, which will be part of the ECOMARPOL platform of the Intelligent Research Infrastructure for Shipping, Supply Chain, Transport and Logistics (EN.I.R.I.S.S.T.). The tool developed with the Python programming language and is...Read more
Ship air emissions; Bottom-up method; Emissions calculator; Sensitivity analysis; Environmental impact of shipping
Valorization of olive stone by-product as Fenton-like catalysts for olive mill wastewater treatment
(Corresponding) Esteves B., Morales-Torres S., Maldonado-Hódar F., Madeira L.
Advanced oxidation processes
The olive oil industry is responsible for the generation of highly-loaded and complex effluents (olive mill wastewaters, OMW) that pose several environmental threats. In particular, OMW’s polyphenolic fraction is known for its recalcitrant behavior and phytotoxic properties (McNamara et al., 2008...Read more
Effect of water extractable organic matter from Pamvotis lake sediment on three psychoactive drugs under simulated solar light
Emerging pollutants
Psychoactive drugs are classified as contaminants of emerging concern but there is limited information on their fate in surface waters. Here, we studied the fate of three drugs (sertraline, clozapine and citalopram) upon irradiation in the presence of the Pamvotis lake organic matter (WEOM)...Read more
antidepressants, photodegradation, organic matter from sediment, hydroxyl radicals, photoproducts
Heritage Areas are areas of great natural, geological, aesthetic and cultural value. They have an important history and keep the traditions alive. Geological and natural processes from the early past to the present have evolved and contributed to the creation of Heritage Areas, so today we...Read more
Heritage Areas, Heritage Areas Management, Protected Landscapes, Protected Areas, Landscape
Electro-bioremediation of nitrate contaminated saline groundwater
(Corresponding) Puggioni G., Carucci A., Dessì E., Pous N., Puig S., Unali V., Milia S.
Water treatment
Sustainable exploitation of coastal aquifers is often hindered by the presence of contaminants and high salinity levels. This study proves for the first time the electro-bioremediation of nitrate contaminated saline groundwater. Two 3-chamber bioelectrochemical systems (BES) were operated in...Read more
Comparison of regression model and artificial neural network model in noise prediction in a mixed area of Dhaka City
(Corresponding) Chowdhury V., Zarif S., Tofa T., Laskar M.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
The equivalent noise levels regularly exceed acceptable limits within Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh, especially in the mixed urban areas (where trips are generated to serve commercial, residential, and industrial demands). The study aims to assess the noise level in mixed urban areas, build...Read more
Potential location of early Neolithic sites in Crete and Cyprus: A GIS-based regional potamological approach
(Corresponding) Depraetere C., Moutsiou T.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
This study aims to identify key locations for the potential unearthing of Early Holocene archaeological sites in the interior of Cyprus and Crete, two large islands in the Eastern Mediterranean. We apply geographic information system (GIS) methods, based on assumptions of environmental suitability...Read more