The Heritage Areas are Protected Landscapes
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Heritage Areas are areas of great natural, geological, aesthetic and cultural value. They have an important history and keep the traditions alive. Geological and natural processes from the early past to the present have evolved and contributed to the creation of Heritage Areas, so today we experience the heritage of exceptional cultural, natural and scenic resources.
The sustainable management of Heritage Areas focuses on preserving areas of cultural and natural significance for the future generations, while encouraging local communities to continue living and working in the region. These areas deserve special prevention and should be included in the National Systems of Protected Areas in accordance with international conventions and legal frameworks.
The framework for the management of Protected Areas in Greece has changed recently. Four new categories of protected areas now exist. Biodiversity Protection areas, National Parks, Wildlife Refugees, Protected Landscapes and Protected Natural Formations. This research supports the integration of Heritage Areas into the category of Protected Landscapes. By the implementation of the framework, the main advantage will then be to achieve real protection of an area of monuments, cultural importance, great natural value and beauty.
Heritage Areas, Heritage Areas Management, Protected Landscapes, Protected Areas, Landscape