Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 10 of 16 in CEST2023 (remove filter), quality (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Multi-scale high-resolution atmospheric emission inventory for the transport sector

(Corresponding) Lopes D., Augusto B., Rafael S., Graça D., Rosa M., Relvas H., Ferreira J., Reis J., Lopes M.
Air pollution
This study aims to develop a multi-scale atmospheric emission inventory for the transport sector with high spatial and temporal resolution using Portugal as a case study. For that, a combination of the traditional method of emissions calculation with an innovative way to gather and process data (...Read more
Big data, critical air pollutants, road transport; railways; aviation; air quality modelling
Paper ID: 

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis Assisted by Portable Sensing Devices for Precise Assessment of Indoor Environmental Conditions

Bali N., Voultsidis D., (Corresponding) Gialelis Y.
Indoor air quality has become an emergent issue for human health since burdened outdoor environments, stagnant air conditions and indoor human activities (cooking, cleaning, etc.) increase the pollutant concentration. Some of the pollutants that interest the most for indoor environments are PM2.5,...Read more
indoor air quality, sensor wearable kit, CFD analysis, human exposure
Paper ID: 

Mitigating the Environmental Impact of Construction Projects through Effective Pollution Management Strategies

(Corresponding) Corpus R., Bayani M., Almacha A., Tana K.
Urban environment and health
Construction initiatives can substantially contribute to air, water, and soil pollution, as well as soil degradation. These activities can have long-lasting negative effects on local communities and ecosystems. It is imperative to develop and implement effective construction pollution management...Read more
environmental pollution, construction management , Air Quality
Paper ID: 

Designing Citizen Science tools towards increased awareness and participatory policy making for air quality: The Case of COMPAIR

(Corresponding) Kogut P., Celikkol B., Vervaet G., Schreer O., Renault S., Alexopoulos C., Raes L., McAleer S.
Despite the concept of citizen science being around for a few decades, it is still considered a non-traditional data source, especially in policy circles. Further efforts are needed to build its acceptability by decision makers at various levels of governance. Determined to make this happen, the...Read more
Citizen science, air quality monitoring, traffic monitoring, data visualisation, participatory policy making
Paper ID: 

End-phase Rehabilitation Assessment of Boracay Island Using Microbial Parameters as Indicator of Water Quality

Rañada M., (Corresponding) Jaraula C.
Pollution control and contaminated sites
The tourism-dependent Boracay island continued to accommodate tourists reaching a peak of >2 million in 2017 after nearly breaching through the island’s ecological threshold in 2012. Anthropogenic pressures resulting in poor water quality and disturbance of wetlands forced the authorities to...Read more
coliforms, wastewater, water quality, carrying capacity, anthropogenic disturbance
Paper ID: 

UrbEm: a method and tool to refine regional emission inventories for urban atmospheric studies

(Corresponding) Kakouri A., Ramacher M., Kuenen J., Speyer O., Gerasopoulos E., Athanasopoulou E.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
As cities are growing in size and complexity, the estimation of air pollution exposure requires detailed spatial representation of air pollution levels. Intra-urban atmospheric studies require up-to-date and credible emission inventories. The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides...Read more
air pollution, emissions, urban air quality, Chemistry Transport Modelling
Paper ID: 

Environmental monitoring and sustainable planning for tourism in Balos lagoon in Western Crete

(Corresponding) Skiniti G., Lilli M., Skarakis N., Tournaki S., Nikolaidis N., Tsoutsos T.
Environmental impacts of tourism and sustainable tourism development
Balos lagoon was used as the case study to test a new methodology developed under the CROSS-COASTAL-NET initiative, Development of a Cross-Border Network for the Promotion of Sustainable Coastal Tourism, which is underneath the Interreg Greece–Cyprus program. The project examines the regions of...Read more
Sustainable Tourism; Ecosystems monitoring and management; NATURA 2000; Carrying Capacity; environmental quality
Paper ID: 

Insights gained from stormwater e-monitoring in Viimsi, Estonia

(Corresponding) Suits K., Rajarao G., Kändler N., Vassiljev A., Annus I.
IoT-based environmental monitoring
The Baltic Sea is at risk from urban societies' diffuse pollution, which includes harmful substances, nutrients, and marine debris. Stormwater, the primary means by which these pollutants are transported, is typically evaluated through the collection and analysis of grab samples, which show...Read more
e-monitoring, stormwater, surrogate parameters, water quality, smart city
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Seasonal fluctuations of PM2.5 concentrations at six Greek islands

(Corresponding) Fameli K., Kotrikla A., Polydoropoulou A., Mihalopoulos N., Grivas G., Stavroulas I.
Air pollution
PM2.5 concentrations in urban areas vary significantly spatially and seasonally. Measurements can be affected by multiply parameters such as anthropogenic activities, meteorological conditions as well as land use. In the present study one-year PM2.5 measurements from the network of low-cost sensors...Read more
PM2.5, low-cost sensors, air quality, Greece, Aegean
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LCA of Applying a Smart Farming System – Implementing a Territorial Approach for Recommending Good Agricultural Practices

(Corresponding) Karagkounis A., Fragkou E., Tsegas G., Barmpas F., Moussiopoulos N.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
This study is part of the LIFE GAIA Sense project, aiming to evaluate the environmental efficiency of Smart Farming (SF) through LCA and to produce recommendations for good agricultural practices. Thus, the environmental performance of SF treatment, specifically regarding fertilizers/pesticides...Read more
life cycle analysis, air quality management, environmental management, sustainable agriculture, smart farming
Paper ID: 