Displaying 441 - 450 of 565 in CEST2021 (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Dredged sediments as a natural resource
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
The periodic removal of sediments is necessary to ensure the functionality of ports, to facilitate navigation, for construction, expansion and environmental cleanup processes. The management and fate of the resultant tons of dredged material is a costly issue that must be addressed. Many...Read more
Design of Road-Side Barriers to Mitigate Air Pollution near Roads
(Corresponding) Huertas J., Aguirre J., Lopez O., Lopez C.
Air pollution
The effects of using solid barriers on the dispersion of air pollutants emitted from the traffic of vehicles on roads located over flat areas were quantified, aiming to identify the geometry that maximizes the mitigation effect of air pollution near the road at the lowest barrier cost. Toward that...Read more
CFD; near road emissions; solid barriers; gas-phase pollutants; air pollution mitigation
Letrozole and tamoxifen in municipal wastewater and their photodegradation in ultraviolet (UV) treatment
(Corresponding) Alitalo O., Rantalainen A., Pellinen J.
Wastewater treatment
The incidence of cancer has increased worldwide and hormone antagonists are a group of pharmaceuticals used in the treatment of breast cancer. It is well known, that most of the pharmaceuticals are only partially removed or transformed during traditional wastewater treatment processes and the...Read more
Small-scale fisheries in Istrian waters (northern Adriatic): preliminary results on catch analysis and presence of thermophilic species
(Corresponding) Iveša N., Buršić M., Gelli M., Barić O., Filipas R., Castellicchio A., Kovačić I., Pustijanac E., Štifanić M., Paliaga P., Millotti G., Gavrilović A.
Ecological effects of environmental change
Small-scale gillnet fisheries in northern Adriatic have latterly shown certain alterations, mainly related to more frequent occurrence of thermophilic species due to ongoing climate changes. This research presents data on gillnet catch in Istrian waters (Raša and Medulin Bay) in order to show the...Read more
small-scale fisheries, Istrian waters, catch analysis, thermophilic species
Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor: A Correlation between Biofilm Thickness and Removal of Pharmaceuticals and Endocrinal Disruptor Compounds
(Corresponding) Sanchez-Huerta C., Fortunato L., Leiknes T., Hong P.
Wastewater treatment
Removal of thirteen pharmaceuticals and endocrinal disruptor compounds via membrane aerated biofilm reactor was tested. MABR system demonstrated good management of nitrogenous nutrients. An increase in biofilm thickness enhanced the removal of analgesics, hormones, and disinfectants.
Symbiotic actions for CO2 capture and utilization in Cyprus
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
CO2 capture and utilisation (CCU) is one of the main pillars of EU strategy towards the reduction of the greenhouse gases. The development of symbiotic actions between CO2-emitting industries and potential receivers not only contributes to the above advantages but also has the possibility of...Read more
Forest Fire Sustainability: Numerical Simulation of a Pine Tree Thermal Response and the Thermal Radiative Phenomenon
(Corresponding) Conceição E., Gomes J., Lúcio M., Raposo J., Viegas D., Viegas M.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
This paper presents a numerical simulation of a pine tree thermal response and the thermal radiative phenomenon, in order to evaluate the forest fire sustainability. The three-dimensional pine tree model is made by 2289 cylindrical elements, with 1.8 m height, to represent its trunk, branches and...Read more
Numerical models, Forest fire, Tree thermal response, Mean Radiant Temperature, View factors
Indoor Built Environment and Human Comfort in Buildings with Complex Design
(Corresponding) Conceição E., Gomes J., Ramos A., Awbi H.
Urban environment and health
In this paper, related with indoor built environment and human comfort, it is applied a numerical software in buildings with complex design. The methodology applies a numerical model which incorporates the building thermal behavior with the human thermal-physiology. The building model uses an...Read more
Indoor built environment, Complex design buildings, Human comfort, Indoor air quality, Energy
Comparison of Analytical and Modeling solutions of the hydrodynamic behavior of drainage channels covered by reed beds
(Corresponding) Lama G.
Hydrology and water resources
The purpose of this work is the validation of modeled turbulent features induced by hydrodynamic interaction between water flow motion and rigid emergent reed beds obtained by employing both analytical and Shallow-waters approaches. The experimental dataset employed for the validation was collected...Read more
Real-scale Analysis of Riparian Vegetation Deformations and Flow Resistance of Vegetated Streams
(Corresponding) Lama G.
Ecology, environmental change and management
The objective of this study is the comparative analysis of the main hydrodynamic traits of vegetated streams and riparian vegetation 3D bending through the processing of real-scale measurements retrieved during field hydraulic experiments in a vegetated water body colonized by young flexible...Read more
Riparian vegetation bending; vegetated flows; real-scale measurements; field experiments.