Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in River systems in diverse climates and environments (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Comparative Study of Flow through Vegetation Stems With and Without Foliage
(Corresponding) Christodoulou G., Mavrommatis A.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
The presence of vegetation in rivers, streams and riparian zones affects significantly the flow field and consequently the resistance, pollutant dispersion, sediment transport and ecological habitat. In this paper, a comparative study is undertaken to investigate the effect of an array of simple...Read more
Ecohydraulics, Environmental Hydraulics, Flow through vegetation, Velocity, Shear stresses.
Variations of mean daily discharge of Danube river at 16 stations
(Corresponding) Chapanov Y., Bournaski E.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
The river discharge is the main source of freshwater for large surface areas. Its deep minima are connected with drought events, while its maxima – with floods. The time series of river discharge consist of significant seasonal variations, modulated by long-term oscillations. The seasonal,...Read more
river discharge, seasonal variations, solar cycles
Chemical weathering rates and CO2 consumption in the Savuto basin (Sila Massif, Italy) inferred from riverine water chemistry
(Corresponding) Fuoco I., De Rosa R., Timpano A., Cundari F., Apollaro C.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
The aim of this work was to estimate the silicates (SWR) and carbonates (CWR) weathering rates as well as the CO2 consumption in the Savuto basin (Sila Massif, Southern Italy), studying the riverine water chemistry. Six sampling sites were investigated. Starting from the rain composition,...Read more
Chemical weathering; CO2 consumption; riverine water chemistry
Potential location of early Neolithic sites in Crete and Cyprus: A GIS-based regional potamological approach
(Corresponding) Depraetere C., Moutsiou T.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
This study aims to identify key locations for the potential unearthing of Early Holocene archaeological sites in the interior of Cyprus and Crete, two large islands in the Eastern Mediterranean. We apply geographic information system (GIS) methods, based on assumptions of environmental suitability...Read more
Year-round assessment of water pollutants in five Greek rivers
(Corresponding) Lymperopoulou T., Zarkaliou A., Papadopoulou K., Lyberatos G.
River systems in diverse climates and environments
Globally, an estimated 80% of industrial and municipal wastewater is discharged into the environment without any prior treatment, with adverse effects on human health and the ecosystem. The current study was conducted for a year-round assessment of water pollutants in five Greek rivers (Glafkos,...Read more