Displaying 31 - 40 of 106 in treatment (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Anaerobic MBR technology for treating municipal wastewater at ambient temperatures
(Corresponding) Plevri A., Mamais D., Noutsopoulos C.
Wastewater treatment
An innovative way to treat municipal wastewater and produce energy at the same time is anaerobic treatment. Anaerobic processes are traditionally used for high-strength wastewater or municipal sludge treatment and only recently have been applied for the treatment of low strength municipal...Read more
Aqueous synthesized mixed-phase nano-TiO2 photocatalysts for water treatment of both organic and inorganic pollutants
(Corresponding) Chalastara K., Demopoulos G.
Nanomaterials in the environmnents applications and effects
Nano-sized mixed-phase titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles are synthesized through aqueous hydrolytic precipitation of TiCl4, in an easily-scalable continuously stirred tank reactor, CSTR. Different conditions give tunable mixed phase nanotitania particles consisting of anatase (A), rutile (R) or...Read more
Treatment of High Strength Industrial Wastewater utilizing Canna X generalis in a Simulated Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Set-up
(Corresponding) Ballesteros F., Antonio H., Esguerra G.
Wastewater treatment
In the Philippines, DENR has mandated the regulation of oil and grease, COD, and TSS for automotive parts manufacturers. Wastewaters from industries have varying pollution strength that requires efficient treatment systems of combined physical, biological, and chemical processes. However, these...Read more
wastewater treatment, wetland, automotive wastewater, Canna X generalis, natural systems
Microbiological treatment of water by cold plasma at atmospheric pressure
(Corresponding) Anelise C.
Water treatment
Ensuring the world's population access to drinking water is one of the millennium's challenges, for although our planet is made up of 70% of water, poor distribution and water quality are problems that concern world leaders, being among the objectives of development 2030 agenda set by the...Read more
microbiological treatment; cold plasma; non-thermal plasma; E. coli inactivation; air plasma gas
Pasture biodiversity after five years of establishment of a walnut silvopastoral system fertilized with different types of sewage sludge
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Silvopasture is the combination of woody vegetation with forage and animal production on the same land that allows the diversification of agricultural income and productivity. In the silvopastoral systems, the fertilisation with sewage sludge could increase tree growth and pasture production at the...Read more
agroforestry, waste, grazing, sowing, water treatment plant
Elimination of relevant pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater from Colombia by combination of a biological system with a sonochemical process
(Corresponding) TORRES PALMA R., Serna-Galvis E., Silva-Agredo J.
Advanced oxidation processes
This work presents the treatment of selected emerging concern pharmaceuticals in real hospital wastewater (HWW) from Tumaco-Colombia by combination of a biological system with a sonochemical process. Fifteen compounds, commonly present in HWW, were considered: acetaminophen, diclofenac,...Read more
Monitoring and treatment of cyanobacterial contaminated surface waters in France and Cyprus
(Corresponding) Antoniou M., Brient L., Tsiarta N., Keliri E., Christofi M., Sukenik A.
Water policy, management and society
Over the past few decades eutrophication of surface water has increased worldwide because of different anthropological activities including land fertilization and sewage run-offs; in combination with climate change. Excessive amount of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen), is now detected in...Read more
Implementing nature-based and other engineering solutions to recover water from non-conventional water sources
(Corresponding) Kappa S., Mamais D., Noutsopoulos C., Kisser J., Stanchev P., Katsou E., Malamis S.
Circular economy and industrial symbiosis
Mediterranean (MED) islands and coastal areas are under pressure due to water shortage. Water reserves are depleted, while tourism in the summer months burdens the limited water sources. A persistent issue arising from the above activity is the increased seasonal loads of sewage that wastewater...Read more
circular economy, Horizon 2020, wastewater treatment, water reuse
Monitoring and treatment of St. George lake to mitigate Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (cyano-HABs)
(Corresponding) Antoniou M., Keliri E., Paraskeva C., Sofokleous A., Brient L., Chernova E., Dziga D., Sukenik A.
Water treatment
This study aimed to monitor St. George Lake, located in the Athalassa National Forest Park of Cyprus, in order to correlate its trophic condition with its water quality characteristics and identify the key environmental variables driving cyanobacteria blooming and their cyanotoxicity. The...Read more
New pillared clays for the removal of pollutants from wastewater by treatment with oxidation processes
(Corresponding) Kalmakhanova M., Massalimova B., Diaz de Tuesta J., Gomes H.
Advanced oxidation processes
The constant development of technological processes aggravates the problem of pollution, due to a significant change in the composition of effluents that makes necessary the development of new (and/or improvement of the existing) treatment methods and catalytic materials. In this sense, the use of...Read more