Microbiological treatment of water by cold plasma at atmospheric pressure
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Ensuring the world's population access to drinking water is one of the millennium's challenges, for although our planet is made up of 70% of water, poor distribution and water quality are problems that concern world leaders, being among the objectives of development 2030 agenda set by the ONU. The proposed work aimed at the microbiological treatment of water through cold plasma technology at atmospheric pressure, the control to confirm the efficiency of the treatment was through the analysis of thermotolerant coliforms. The reduction was 93.33% for thermotolerant coliforms and cold plasma technology reduces the time of microbiological treatment of water by 90% over traditional methods due to high energy density, ozone generation and ultraviolet radiation, thus reducing costs because the energy expenditure was low and there is no need to add chemicals.
microbiological treatment; cold plasma; non-thermal plasma; E. coli inactivation; air plasma gas