Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 in processes (remove filter), CEST2021 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Sustainable water management in industry using Industrial Water Footprint

(Corresponding) Nydrioti I., Grigoropoulou H.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
Large quantities of water are consumed directly or indirectly by production and distribution plants. Industries are rapidly required to comply with the principles of sustainable development through United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), focusing on sustainable water management,...Read more
Water management, Water footprint, Industrial processes, Supply Chain, Environmental pressure indicator
Paper ID: 

Application of carbon-based catalysts derived from compost on catalytic wet peroxide oxidation of leachate waters from mechanical and biological treatment plant units for municipal solid waste

Batista G., (Corresponding) Roman F., Diaz de Tuesta J., Mambrini R., Gomes H.
Advanced oxidation processes
This work aims at the valorization of compost from mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) units of municipal solid waste by their transformation into carbon-based catalysts for further application in the treatment of MBT leachate waters (chemical oxygen demand (COD) = 60.0 g L-1, total organic...Read more
valorization, carbon-based catalyst, leachate wastewater, advanced oxidation processes, wastewater treatment
Paper ID: 

An innovative and eco-friendly approach to recover gold (and copper) from gold fingers of waste printed circuit boards

Sousa P., Martelo L., Bastos M., Marques A., (Corresponding) Soares H.
Sustainable supply of raw materials
Recycling waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) is a complex problem worldwide and sustainable technologies are required. So, this work aims to offer an innovative (an European patent was submitted, EP 20216239.2 1) and more sustainable solution to recover high-value materials (gold and copper) from...Read more
E-waste, Printed circuit board recycling, Physical and chemical processes; Gold and copper recovery.
Paper ID: 

Pilot-scale membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment using innovative encapsulated self-forming dynamic membrane

Castrogiovanni F., Borea L., HASAN S., Belgiorno V., (Corresponding) Naddeo V.
Wastewater treatment
The use of membrane bioreactors (MBR) is a promising technique for wastewater treatment that manages to respect the restrictive limits imposed by regulations. However, during the filtration process membranes are subject to fouling which requires additional costs for cleaning and replacing the...Read more
Electrochemical processes, Current density, Membrane fouling, Dynamic membrane, Sustainable development
Paper ID: 

Degradation of refractory compounds in industrial wastewaters by advanced technologies based on electrochemical and photochemical oxidation

Petsi P., Sarasidis V., (Corresponding) Plakas K., Karabelas A.
Advanced oxidation processes
Results are presented of a systematic experimental investigation aiming to eliminate refractory organics from industrial effluents, of high and non-biodegradable organic load, by two Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). Bench scale experiments were performed with real wastewater samples collected...Read more
wastewater, refractory organics, electrochemical advanced oxidation processes, anodic oxidation, photochemical oxidation, pesticide industry
Paper ID: 

Ηexavalent chromium reduction in a photocatalytic membrane reactor in the presence of organic acids

(Corresponding) Sarasidis V., Kyriakou E., Plakas K., Karabelas A.
Advanced oxidation processes
This study deals with the photocatalytic reduction of carcinogenic hexavalent chromium, encountered in industrial effluents and surface waters, to much less toxic and harmful trivalent form. Experiments were performed in a pilot scale Photocatalytic Membrane Reactor employing titanium dioxide...Read more
Advanced oxidation processes, heterogeneous photocatalysis, ultrafiltration, titanium dioxide nanoparticles, wastewater treatment
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Removal of amoxicillin from processing wastewater by ozonation and UV-aided ozonation: a kinetic and economic comparative study

Ribeiro M., Ramos B., (Corresponding) de Castro Peixoto A.
Advanced oxidation processes
A novel empirical and scaling up simulation study is presented for degradation and mineralization of real residue of amoxicillin (AMX) pharmaceutical formulation in wastewater. A set of UV-ozone-based experiments was used in the kinetics modeling of AMX, considering several chemical/photochemical...Read more
Advanced oxidation processes, ozone, pharmaceutical formulation, kinetic modeling, engineering economics.
Paper ID: 

Application of solar photo-Fenton oxidation coupled with granular activated carbon as a viable option for the removal of contaminants of emerging concern in the urban wastewater of India

Karaolia P., Korelidou A., (Corresponding) Fatta-Kassinos D.
Advanced oxidation processes
It has been estimated that approximately 62 billion litres of sewage are generated every day in India, with only 37% of sewage being treated (Saxena et al., 2021). Wastewater treatment issues such as dysfunctional UWTPs with many of them operating at low service levels compared to the design...Read more
Advanced oxidation processes, Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, Wastewater treatment, Activated carbon adsorption, Pharmaceuticals
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An Advanced Boussinesq-Type Model for Wave Propagation in Coastal and Harbour Areas

(Corresponding) Metallinos A., Chondros M., Papadimitriou A.
Environmental data analysis and modelling
In this paper, an advanced numerical model for the simulation of wave propagation and transformation in coastal areas and inside ports is presented. This model is a fully dispersive and highly nonlinear 2DH Boussinesq-type model, extended to cover real-life applications, capable of simulating the...Read more
Boussinesq-type model, coastal processes, irregular multi-directional waves, numerical simulation, wave overtopping.
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Photocatalytic degradation of magenta effluent from the printing industry with composite catalyst

(Corresponding) Kerkez D., Pucar Milidrag D., Bečelić-Tomin M., Gvoić V., Kulić Mandić A., Leovac Maćerak A., Tomašević Pilipović D.
Wastewater treatment
Water pollution is one of the most current problems related to human life and survival. The high degree of pollution of the human environment is contributed, among other things, by the discharge of industrial wastewater into rivers, among which wastewater from the graphic industry is of great...Read more
photocatalytic processes, graphic dyes, degradation, new catalysts, heterogeneous catalysis
Paper ID: 