Revıew of Flood Dısaster Risk Management ın sıx West Afrıcan Megacıtıes
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
In developing countries, the factors affecting vulnerability and exposure to floods are growing rapidly as urbanization puts more people and assets at risk. Particularly susceptible, is the fast growing informal settlements in central cities and peri-urban locations. Six noteworthy West African megacities: Accra, Cotonou, Dakar, Freetown, Lagos, and Monrovia located in low elevation coastal zones are at constant risk from sea level rise or flooding. These cities exhibit similar characteristics of urbanization and flood management gaps. These include incompetently maintained infrastructures, low quality shelters, low resilience of urban poor, poor garbage disposal, social issues and poor planning and maintenance policies. It is of high priority to give urgency to the need for Flood Risk Management (FRM) in urban settlements on the political and policy agenda. Several management strategies have been developed. However, implementation and sustainability remains the major setback in the success of sustainable FRM in these megacities.
Flood disaster, Flood Risk Management, West Africa, Urbanization, Policies