Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 in energy (remove filter), renewable (remove filter), CEST2021 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Technological solutions for giving a new life to power plants of alternative energy: social, economic, and environmental assessment of end of life scenarios

(Corresponding) Ambrosino C., Giaquinto D., Maselli G., Nesticò A., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The resources on the planet are not unlimited and special attention has been paid to alternative energies in recent years. Alternative (or renewable) energy are all those energy sources that do not come from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). To date, wind and solar energy are the main...Read more
renewable energy, natural resource conservation, solar energy, wind energy, life cycle economy
Paper ID: 

The potential impact of an implementation of microalgae-based wastewater treatment on the energy balance of a municipal WWTP in Central Europe

(Corresponding) Hasport N., Krahe D., Kuchendorf C., Theilen U., Beier S.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
The integration of a photobioreactor for wastewater treatment by microalgae is proposed as a future alternative for cost-efficient and environmentally friendly nitrogen and phosphorous removal in municipal WWTPs. The high growth rates and higher biogas yields (compared to conventional sewage sludge...Read more
microalgae, wastewater treatment, energy balance, renewable energy
Paper ID: 

Application of cutting-edge environmental technologies for the development of resilient and sustainable cities

(Corresponding) Senatore V., Giaquinto D., Zarra T., Oliva G., Buonerba A., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The development of resilient and sustainable cities emerged as a solution to tackle the several challenges arising from the exponential growth of urban areas population worldwide. The implementation of environmental technologies represents a solution to minimize negative impacts of crowded cities...Read more
sustainable development goals, climate change, urban agriculture, renewable energy, natural resource conservation.
Paper ID: 

Desalinated Water and Power for a Seaside Hotel: A Case Study using Off-grid Solar and Wind

Tounsi A., Ghamgui M., (Corresponding) Tadeo F.
Environmental management and policies
A hybrid combination of solar and wind energies for a remote seaside hotel is analyzed. More specifically, a hotel in Hammamet, Tunisia, powered by photovoltaic panels and a wind turbine is evaluated, with water generated by desalination using reverse osmosis. This isolated accommodation...Read more
Renewable energy; Water supply; Off-grid systems; Reverse Osmosis; Seawater desalination; photovoltaic, wind turbine
Paper ID: 

A review on the potential use of flammable gases from sewage systems as a source of energy

(Corresponding) Ghaffari M., Paurine A., Ali S., Mavroulidou M.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The demand for natural resources has increased exponentially due to the consistent growth of the global population and urbanization. This has resulted to considerable environmental challenges that are potentially affecting the global sustainable development goals. Therefore, it is important to...Read more
Flammable Gases, Methane, Renewable Energy, Biogas, Sewage System.
Paper ID: 

Energy Supply of a Conference Center Towards Nearly Zero-Energy Building in Accordance with the Standards of the European Green Deal

Energy technologies and sustainability
In December 2019, the European Commission proposed the European Green Deal, a set of policy initiatives that aim to transform the European Union into a low carbon economy and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Building renovation is a core element of the European Green Deal, promoting the...Read more
European Green Deal, Renovation Wave, Energy Supply, Renewable Energy Sources, Conference Center, Orthodox Academy of Crete
Paper ID: 