Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in conservation (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Monitoring of bio-aerosols, gaseous and Particulate Matter (PM) pollution of Wawel Royal Castle in Krakow, Poland.

(Corresponding) Dyda M., Pyzik A., Drabik P., Istel L., Wiłkojć E., Buchwald-Zięcina O., Bogdanowicz-Prus A., Skłodowska A.
Air pollution
Krakow is now firmly established as one of the Europe’s top tourist destinations and, at the same time, it is one of the cities with the worst air quality in Europe. The Wawel Royal Castle is of the most important museum and predominatingly visited attraction of the city of Krakow (in 2017, the...Read more
cultural heritage, particulate matter pollution, microbiological contamination, air pollution, preventive conservation
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Technological solutions for giving a new life to power plants of alternative energy: social, economic, and environmental assessment of end of life scenarios

(Corresponding) Ambrosino C., Giaquinto D., Maselli G., Nesticò A., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The resources on the planet are not unlimited and special attention has been paid to alternative energies in recent years. Alternative (or renewable) energy are all those energy sources that do not come from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). To date, wind and solar energy are the main...Read more
renewable energy, natural resource conservation, solar energy, wind energy, life cycle economy
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Detection of disturbances of thyme habitats on Lemnos island with Landsat time series analysis

(Corresponding) Vasios G., Kaloveloni A., Alexoudaki E., Kakaroglou I., Troumbis A.
Spatial environmental planning
Landsat time series data, freely available in recent years, are commonly used for land cover change detection and monitoring ecosystem disturbances. The thyme habitats are areas under protection because of their high ecological value. However, human activity that leads to competition in land use,...Read more
Thymes conservation, spatio-temporal analysis, multi-spectral images, Landsat, vegetation indices, Lemnos
Paper ID: 

Application of cutting-edge environmental technologies for the development of resilient and sustainable cities

(Corresponding) Senatore V., Giaquinto D., Zarra T., Oliva G., Buonerba A., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The development of resilient and sustainable cities emerged as a solution to tackle the several challenges arising from the exponential growth of urban areas population worldwide. The implementation of environmental technologies represents a solution to minimize negative impacts of crowded cities...Read more
sustainable development goals, climate change, urban agriculture, renewable energy, natural resource conservation.
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Strategies for the implementation of the sustainable development in protected areas: the case study of the Regional Park of Monti Lattari (Italy)

(Corresponding) D'Elia L., Cicalese F., Grimaldi M., Fasolino I., Troisi E., Dello Ioio T., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Biodiversity conservation
Protected areas today cover about 17% of the territory. They aim to preserving environmental quality, ecosystem balance and biodiversity. Although in Italy protected areas are around 10%, in Campania it’s very high and is about 25%. In the last 10 years the number of protected sites has increased...Read more
Protected area, Natura 2000 Network, Conservation, Ecosystem, Environmental Strategies
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