Conference proceedings

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 in climate (remove filter), honey (remove filter), CEST2021 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Rural Development and Local Government - The example of the Regional Unit of Evritania in the development of beekeeping

Tasios A., Gounari S., Fotiadis G., (Corresponding) Papadopoulos A.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
The region of Evritania is a mountainous area of Central Greece. Its intense and rough terrain is characterized by lush diversity in flora and fauna species and landscapes. It has a long history that extends back to pre-historical times. However, this unique nature’s hot spot is facing during the...Read more
beekeeping, local authorities, Abies spp. fir honey, mountainous forest, climate change.
Paper ID: 