Rural Development and Local Government - The example of the Regional Unit of Evritania in the development of beekeeping
Paper ID:
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
Published under CEST2021
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-1-9
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
The region of Evritania is a mountainous area of Central Greece. Its intense and rough terrain is characterized by lush diversity in flora and fauna species and landscapes. It has a long history that extends back to pre-historical times. However, this unique nature’s hot spot is facing during the last decades, intense depopulation driven mostly by financial factors (lack of job opportunities mostly to young people). In its effort to providing solutions to face this problem, the prefecture of Central Greece funded a research project to investigate, unfold and highlight beekeeping as a successful activity that could contribute to farmers’ income. The project is based on a participatory approach, in close collaboration to farmers (beekeepers). The initial results from the project indicate the substantial potential of beekeeping as an activity that can enhance local economy but mainly the importance of regional authorities’ involvement and support in local development.
beekeeping, local authorities, Abies spp. fir honey, mountainous forest, climate change.