Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 in EU Projects showcase (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
SYMSITES-EcoSites Implementation for Industrial-Urban Symbiosis through Social and Technological Solutions
(Corresponding) Pérez E., Osmdan P., Blanes M.
EU Projects showcase
The SYMSITES project aims at implemeting the Industrial - Urban Symbiosis (I-US) concept by newly developed technologies and solutions for wastewater treatment and reuse supported by an IT Management system, while applying a digital and circular economy. This will be achieved with local and...Read more
AnMBR, industrial waste, regional development, wastewater, water reuse
FRIETS Project: Sustainable optimization of the value chain of added-value fresh and dried berries through the integration of Precision Agriculture management strategies and innovative dehydration and edible coating
(Corresponding) Karamouzi E., Angelis-Dimakis A., Darra N., Fountas S., Gogou E., Krokida M., Lagonikou M., Manganaris G., Oikonomopoulou V., Panopoulos P., Papadaki S., Serifi O., Galea D., Socol C., Spella M., Valanides N., Valdramidis V., Vodnar D.
EU Projects showcase
FRIETS project aims in training crossdisciplinary scientists from 5 European countries, in collaboration with international SMEs, for the development and marketization of personalized, nutritious and innovative, soft fruit smart snacks that contain no added sugar, sodium or chemical preservatives,...Read more
Real scale application of visible light responsive photocatalytic paints for indoor air quality
(Corresponding) Maggos T., Panagopoloos P., Theodorou C., Nikolakopoulos A., Skliri E., Gagaoudakis E., Kiriakidis G., Binas B.
EU Projects showcase
In the frame of a LIFE19 project named “VISIONS”, an innovative photocatalytic paint was produced for healthy environment and energy saving purposes. To that end a photocatalytic powder was optimized in order to be mixed in paints without downgrading paint physical properties and to reduce...Read more
“AquaSPICE – Advancing Sustainability of Process Industries through Digital and Circular Water Use Innovations”
(Corresponding) Arampatzis G.
EU Projects showcase
Either we rethink how we use water or we threaten the availability. Even though there is overall enough water to meet the world’s growing needs, it is necessary to make changes in how water is used, managed and shared. The EU-funded AquaSPICE project will increase awareness in resource efficiency...Read more
wastewater treatment, process industry, modelling, circular economy, cyber-physical systems, digital twins