Displaying 31 - 40 of 515 in CEST2019 (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
SusNisia: Circular economy for biogenic residues for the North Aegean – case studies for Islands of Chios and Lesvos
Baur F., Porzig M., Lekkas D.
The North Aegean Islands of Chios and Lesvos set recycling goals for organic residues from MSW. Both islands, in line with the National and the Regional Plans for Municipal Waste Management, have selected the approach of mechanical-biological stabilization of MSW in combination with separated...Read more
Currently, the priority in the EU countries is the subject of unemployment due to the economic and social situation in Greece and unemployment in Spain. Although unemployment in Poland has dropped, it is still quite high. The new economic models based on heterodox economics point to many new...Read more
The role of catchment properties on the importance of initial hydrologic conditions for seasonal hydrological forecasting in alpine areas
(Corresponding) Stergiadi M., Avesani D., Righetti M., Borga M., Zaramella M.
Operational and impact-based forecasting, and data assimilation
A well-known approach to seasonal hydrological forecasting involves the use of ensembles as forcing to a hydrological model, based either on historical meteorological data (Ensemble Streamflow Prediction, ESP) or on forecasts produced by one or more dynamic climate models (multi-model approach)...Read more
Biomarkers responses in Salmo salar exposed to multicomponent metal mixtures
(Corresponding) Sauliutė G., Stankevičiūtė M., Makaras T.
Heavy metals in the environment
Pollution of freshwater from industrial, domestic and agriculture sources is one of the major factors responsible for the decline of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) populations in Europe. Biomarkers responses (bioaccumulation, glucose content, cytogenetic and behavioral endpoints) elicited by the...Read more
Detection of Alpha-induced radioluminescence in the ultraviolet C range for Nuclear Decommissioning Applications
(Corresponding) Gamage K., Crompton A.
Hazardous waste management
The close range of traditional alpha radiation detectors makes detection time-consuming and potentially hazardous. Alpha-induced radioluminescence in the ultraviolet C (UVC) wavelength range (180-280 nm) may be the mechanism through which stand-off detection can be achieved. The UVTRON (Hamamatsu...Read more
Improvement of calculations of the total Characterization factor in the USEtox model including a regional approach
(Corresponding) Belyanovskaya A.
Life cycle analysis (lca)
The USEtox model as one of LCIA models is an instrument to characterize the human toxicity impact. The model measures the intake of metals by population with meat products. The USEtox is the only model including geographical separation and wide database with organic and nonorganic chemicals...Read more
LCIA, the USEtox, Bioindication, Heavy metals, Human health impact assessement
Do polyethylene terephthalate microparticles (PET-µPs) affect the oxidative status of the clam Ruditapes philippinarum?
(Corresponding) Parolini M., Bacenetti J., Cavaliere A., Orsi L., De Felice B., Sugni M., Ortenzi M.
Microplastics in the marine environment
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the most favorable polymer used as packaging material (e.g., drinking water bottle). PET items continue to be marketed for four decades but their uncorrect disposal represents an underestimated environmental problem. Moreover, in the environment PET can be...Read more
Screening of polar pesticides in groundwater in Hebei Province, China
Huang Y., (Corresponding) Rao Z., GUO X., YANG Z., LIU C., SHI Z.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
As a big agricultural country,China has a relatively high pesticide usage in unit area , which is three times higher than developed countries. About 80% of pesticides directly enter the soil and the water through leaching or surface runoff during the usage of pesticides. In particular, some of the...Read more
Screening , polar pesticides, groundwater, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Agricultural activity of spreading fertilizers may, in case they are washed away to an aquifer, result in a groundwater contamination. There was a research conducted in Croatia on the lower part of the Danube-Sava canal which is occupied by extensive agricultural production to measure the...Read more
groundwater contamination; nitrate nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus concentration; time series analysis
Deciphering Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI) for the coastal areas of Rhodes Island and the possible impact on tourism
(Corresponding) Vandarakis D., Loukaidi V., Kyriakou K., Kyriakidou C., Gad F., Sourianos E., Kapsimalis V., Drakopoulou P., Kikaki A., Hatiris G., (Corresponding) Panagiotopoulos I., Chatzinaki M., Morfis I., Sioulas A.
Spatial environmental planning
Rhodes Island, located in the southeastern Aegean Archipelagos. Coastal areas, extended sandy beaches, people’s hospitality, and adequate infrastructure are principal factors that have increased the touristic value of the island. The estimation of the Coastal Vulnerability Index is important, since...Read more
CVI, Coastal environments and tourism, Sustainable development, South Aegean Prefecture