Green jobs as an unemployment solution
Paper ID:
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Currently, the priority in the EU countries is the subject of unemployment due to the economic and social situation in Greece and unemployment in Spain. Although unemployment in Poland has dropped, it is still quite high. The new economic models based on heterodox economics point to many new solutions in this area, among others creating new green jobs. Green employment is the beginning of new solutions that accept the principles of sustainable development, and hence green economy, which creates new companies. New professions, as well as new jobs, are created by green organizations which, after brown organizations, are the next stage in the development of human consciousness in the context of sustainable development. The article presents a model developed on the basis of taxonometric methods.
green jobs, unemployment, green management