Displaying 131 - 140 of 152 in water (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Water scarcity, energy independence and the role of hybrid renewable energy systems
(Corresponding) Bertsiou M., Baltas E.
Renewable energy sources
Water scarcity problems and the need for reduced consumption of fossil fuels lead to the transition to renewable energy sources (RES). The proper management of RES is the key issue, especially in small not interconnected islands. In this research work a Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES) on a...Read more
HRES, water scarcity, energy management, energy storage
Effects of parabens exposure on drinking water bacteria
(Corresponding) Pereira A., Gomes I., Simões M.
Emerging pollutants
Parabens are considered emerging contaminants that are frequently detected in water sources. Besides being detected in drinking water (DW) at residual concentrations, their effects on DW microbial quality and safety have been disregarded so far. This work assesses for the first time the impact of...Read more
End-phase Rehabilitation Assessment of Boracay Island Using Microbial Parameters as Indicator of Water Quality
Rañada M., (Corresponding) Jaraula C.
Pollution control and contaminated sites
The tourism-dependent Boracay island continued to accommodate tourists reaching a peak of >2 million in 2017 after nearly breaching through the island’s ecological threshold in 2012. Anthropogenic pressures resulting in poor water quality and disturbance of wetlands forced the authorities to...Read more
coliforms, wastewater, water quality, carrying capacity, anthropogenic disturbance
Understanding of consumers' water consumption preferences and environmental consciousness
Theodoridou G., Avramidou P., Kassianidis P., Partalidou M., (Corresponding) Samaras P.
The impact of citizen science on environmental attitudes, behaviour and knowledge
Water is arguably nowadays one of the most important commodities of increasing socio-economic and political value. Several studies have investigated the factors influencing consumers' perception of water quality and water service quality and conclude that are influenced by a constellation of...Read more
Interface engineering approaches for efficient and robust perovskite solar cells
(Corresponding) Falaras P.
Renewable energy sources
The field of perovskite photovoltaics has been witnessing a surge of interest over the past few years across the breadth of advanced nanomaterials, nanoscience and nanotechnology. Of particular interest, controlling the nanomorphology of the hybrid perovskite absorber can modify intrinsically...Read more
Perovskite solar cells, Interface engineering, Water resistance, Efficiency, Stability
This research investigates the impact of legislative negotiations in the water policy of European Union and the crucial role of the European Commission as the formal agenda setter. The coordination of EU institutions and other actors -member states, interest groups and especially "Non-...Read more
EU; policy coordination; water policy; Water Framework Directive; economic instruments
A smart integrated platform for leakage detection on water supply network in Aigio town
(Corresponding) Chasiotis A., Piromalis D., Chasiotis S., Feloni E., Papageorgas P., Bousdeki M., Sofianopoulos M., Nikolopoulos D., Kouniniotis D., Mathiou P., Nastos P.
Drinking water and health
Non-revenue water (NRW) is the volume of water participating in urban water supply processes, which does not generate revenues for the water utility company and it is divided into the water losses and the unbilled consumption. In the era of sustainable water resources management, the reduction of...Read more
Non-revenue water, water supply network, water leakage, water supply monitoring, Aigio
Insights gained from stormwater e-monitoring in Viimsi, Estonia
(Corresponding) Suits K., Rajarao G., Kändler N., Vassiljev A., Annus I.
IoT-based environmental monitoring
The Baltic Sea is at risk from urban societies' diffuse pollution, which includes harmful substances, nutrients, and marine debris. Stormwater, the primary means by which these pollutants are transported, is typically evaluated through the collection and analysis of grab samples, which show...Read more
e-monitoring, stormwater, surrogate parameters, water quality, smart city
Sustainable water resources governance developments: cross-sectorial policies and societal practice
(Corresponding) Ernsteins R., Skute A., Konkovs K., Lagzdina E., Ozolins M.
Water policy, management and society
The governance process of surface water resources in Latvia, particularly, in small river catchment areas and lake lands, also being Natura 2000 territories, was the main foci for two studies described. Previous traditional research done in related fields in Latvia has been focusing on water...Read more
water and nature management, societal participation, bottom-up instruments, communication
Potential contaminants and risk assessment in the Meriç-Ergene Basin under the EU Water Framework Directive
(Corresponding) EKER S., ÇOKAY E.
Emerging pollutants
The European Union's Water Framework Directive (WFD) 2000/60/EC provides a strategic solution to deal with chemical pollution in rivers. The directive encompasses monitoring and detection of 45 priority pollutants and specific contaminants found in surface waters. An increase in the number of...Read more
water pollution, micropollutant, river basin, water frame directive