CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Continuous flow hydrodechlorination for micropollutants removal using an innovative Pd-based Catalytic Membrane Reactor
(Corresponding) Nieto-Sandoval J., Gomez-Herrero E., Munoz M., de Pedro Z., Casas J.
Water treatment
The aim of this work is to develop a Pd-based Catalytic Membrane Reactor (Pd/CMR) for its application in organochlorinated micropollutants removal by hydrodechlorination (HDC). The external surface of a Al2O3 membrane was homogeneously decorated by Pd nanoparticles (0.2% wt.). The Pd/CMR developed...Read more
Application of catalytic hydrodehalogenation for the removal of brominated flame retardants
Nieto-Sandoval J., (Corresponding) Benito del Olmo R., Munoz M., De Pedro Z., Casas J.
Water treatment
The aim of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of aqueous-phase catalytic hydrodehalogenation (HDH) for the fast and environmentally-friendly degradation of the flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA). TBBPA is a pollutant of emerging concern characterized by a strong persistence that...Read more
Magnetite-decorated catalytic membrane reactor for the continuous-flow CWPO of micropollutants
(Corresponding) López-Aragó N., Nieto-Sandoval J., Munoz M., de Pedro Z., Casas J.
Advanced oxidation processes
This work aims at developing a contactor type Catalytic Membrane Reactor (CMR) for its application in the continuous removal of micropollutants by Catalytic Wet Peroxide Oxidation (CWPO). For such goal, a porous alumina membrane tube was homogeneously decorated with magnetite nanoparticles...Read more
structured catalyst; catalytic membrane reactor; continuous water treatment; micropollutants; magnetite
Nanoplastics mineralization by the intensified photo-Fenton process
(Corresponding) Ortiz D., Munoz M., Carbajo J., M. de Pedro Z., Casas J.
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
The widespread presence of microplastics (MPs) and nanoplastics (NPs) in aquatic systems has become one of the most challenging environmental issues nowadays. Although advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have been widely studied for the treatment of persistent contaminants in water, their...Read more
Water treatment; photo-Fenton oxidation; microplastic; nanoplastic; polystyrene
Utilization of paraffin wax as phase change material for solar thermal energy storage
(Corresponding) Shalaby S., Kabeel A., Fleafl A.
Energy technologies and sustainability
In this work, a thermal energy storage system based paraffin wax as phase change material (PCM) was designed, constructed and tested when it was integrated with a solar water heater (SWH). For the purpose of comparison, the SWH was also tested when water was used as a storage medium. The system was...Read more
solar water heater, PCM, paraffin wax, energy storage
Fostering the non-conventional water re-use in agriculture in Mediterranean countries: the MENAWARA project
(Corresponding) Carletti A., Paulotto A., Khadra R., Martin I., Fahd K., Salas J., Arbasi T., Pedron G., Jaouadi T., Chaabouni T., Mazahrih N.
Sustainable water management in the mediterranean – technological solutions, demonstration and deployment
The Mediterranean region is considered as one of the world’s most water-stressed areas where some countries have less than 1000 m3 capita-1 year-1. This situation, exacerbated by climate change, is due to, but not restricted to, the relatively uneven distribution of precipitation, high temperatures...Read more
Non-conventional water reuse, Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTPs), Managed Aquifer Recharge, Mediterranean Region
Green walls for greywater treatment and reuse in Mediterranean countries
Martinuzzi N., Rivai K., (Corresponding) Rizzo A., Masi F., Sarnari B., BOUSSELMI L.
Sustainable water management in the mediterranean – technological solutions, demonstration and deployment
This paper describes four case studies in which two types of green walls are implemented for greywater treatment and reuse in Mediterranean countries, Living walls and Green façade. Green walls are vertical vegetated systems that can be integrated into urban environments, providing various benefits...Read more
Greywater; Sustainable Water Management; Green Walls; Nature-Based Solutions
SWOT analysis of the institutional, policy and regulatory framework governing wastewater treatment and reuse in Tunisia, Lebanon and Spain
Kallali H., (Corresponding) Plakas P., Pana E., Karabelas A., De Ketelaere D., Spiteri A., El Moll A., Al-Naboulsi T., Mensi K., Jbeli S., M'Hiri F., Simon Andreu P., Lopez R.
Sustainable water management in the mediterranean – technological solutions, demonstration and deployment
This paper offers a concise overview of the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as derived from the institutional, policy and regulatory framework governing wastewater treatment and reuse in three Mediterranean countries. The SWOT analysis is based on a desk review of available...Read more
domestic wastewater, water reuse, governance framework, stakeholders’ involvement, sustainability
Water Losses Assessments to support decision making in WSS management
(Corresponding) Pietrucha-Urbanik K., Tchórzewska-Cieślak B.
Water policy, management and society
In order to reduce costs related to water supply service, modernization measures should be carried out to water losses. The paper presents an analysis and assessment of water losses carried out based on data provided by a water utility company. The basic indicators of water loss according to the...Read more
water supply system (WSS), water losses, water losses indicators
Investigating the impact of landfill leachates in groundwater quality through the monitoring of multiclass emerging contaminants by LC-HRMS
(Corresponding) Nika M., Gkotsis G., Vasilatos K., Gkogkou A., Stasinakis A., Thomaidis N.
Emerging pollutants
Due to their economic advantages, landfills are the primary repository of municipal solid wastes, receiving everyday by-products such as food wastes, plastic containers and product packaging materials, unused pharmaceuticals, textile and other products. As a result of the higher demand and better...Read more
high resolution mass spectrometry; emerging contaminants; landfill leachates; groundwater; water quality