CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Membrane technology for the purification of solutions containing cationic surfactants.
(Corresponding) Klimonda A., Kowalska I.
Water and wastewater reuse
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cationic surfactant (Tequat LC90i, TEAQ) removal from aqueous solutions with the use of tubular ceramic ultrafiltration and microfiltration modules. Research included an assessment of the feed solution parameters (surfactant...Read more
UV/H2O2 coupled with adsorption in the decolorization and phytotoxicity effects of dye mixtures
Ortega Tapia A., Alvarez Marroquin C., Cardona Rendón L., Arroyave Quiceno C., (Corresponding) Aristizábal Castrillón A.
Advanced oxidation processes
UV/H2O2 is an effective process for the decolorization of dyes in water; However, after treatment if complete mineralization is not achieved the toxicity of the wastewater usually increases due to the generation of intermediated more toxic than the dye. Thus, a subsequent process to reduce toxicity...Read more
Evaluation phytotoxic effects and decolorization of simulated and real textile wastewaters by UV/H2O2
Quiceno Gómez L., Hernández Gallo M., Cardona Rendón L., Arroyave Quiceno C., (Corresponding) Aristizábal Castrillón A.
Advanced oxidation processes
The discharge of dyes in aquatic ecosystems is of environmental concern due to intense coloration that decrease photosynthetic activity and the possible toxic effects (Hao et al., 2000). Therefore, the development and understanding of processes for the removal of textile dyes in wastewaters, like...Read more
Waste Management System and Its Effects on the Water Quality of an Ecotourism Destination in Caramoan, Camarines Sur, Philippines
(Corresponding) Moico C., Florece L., Cereno R., Ancog R.
Environmental impacts of tourism and sustainable tourism development
Caramoan is a municipality located in the far eastern end of Camarines Sur in the region of Bicol, Philippines. The islands of Caramoan has been the site for several editions of the international reality TV show Survivor since 2008. After being featured in the show, its popularity spread like...Read more
Caramoan, ecotourism, waste management, water quality
Identification and Quantification of Microplastic in Sewage systems by TED-GC-MS
(Corresponding) Altmann K., Goedecke C., Bannick C., Abusafia A., Scheid C., Steinmetz H., Braun U.
Microplastics in the marine environment
Over the last years, the number of publications reporting the amount of microplastic (MP) all over the world increased rapidly. But harmonised sampling, sample preparation and analysis strategies are missing. Commonly used methods are very time consuming and not comparable to each other. Hence,...Read more
microplastic, TED-GC-MS, microplastic analysis, grey water, waste water treatment plant, combined sewer system
Poulli K., (Corresponding) Ero R., Kozakou S., Michael N., Demetriou E., Christofidou M., Aletrari M.
Wastewater treatment
Cyprus is experiencing severe water supply deficiency. Particularly in summer months the situation is aggravated mainly due to low precipitation, high evaporation and increased demands for irrigation and tourisms. The use of treated wastewaters for environmental purposes such as recharging aquifers...Read more
Climate change impact on river assimilative capacity: a case study application of water related climatic indicators
Water and climate services - challenges and user-tailored developments
In this investigation, we use climatic, water-related indicators to evaluate the impact of climate change on the assimilative capacity of the Asopos River, Central Greece. Indicators were developed and organised under the SWICCA climate service (http://swicca.eu), which aims to develop and showcase...Read more
Employing data-driven models in the optimization of chemical usage in water treatment plants
(Corresponding) Kandris K., Romas E., Tzimas A., Gavalakis E.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
One of the most challenging tasks in potable water production is the cost-efficient and consistent operation of water treatment plants (WTPs) that treat raw water of variable quality and quantity. To increase process stability and optimize the usage of resources, two data-driven models simulated...Read more
Water treatment optimization, Data-driven modelling, Water treatment plant
A computationally efficient metamodeling-based approach for the automatic calibration of coupled hydrodynamic and water quality models
(Corresponding) Kandris K., Romas E., Tzimas A., Pechlivanidis I., Giardino C., Bresciani M., Schenk K., Bernert H.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
Computational budget is a severe limitation on the automatic calibration of expensive hydrodynamic and water quality models. To tackle this limitation, the present work formulated a metamodeling-based approach for parameter estimation of such models and assessed the computational gains of this...Read more
Metamodeling; calibration; hydrodynamics; water quality modeling
Risk analysis for gas pipelines: A sustainability assessment approach using bow-tie analysis
(Corresponding) Panagopoulos J., Karayannis A., Karayannis P., Gouvalias G.
Disaster risk reduction and management
Vast amounts of natural gas (NG) are consumed around the world everyday that are mainly transported and distributed through pipelines. Integrity of these pipelines is of primary interest to NG companies, consultants, governmental agencies, consumers and other stakeholder due to adverse...Read more
Natural Gas, Pipeline Failures, QRA, FTA, ETA, Bow-Tie