Conference proceedings

Displaying 181 - 190 of 314 in (remove filter), CEST2023 (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Benefit Analysis for the integrated assessment of an innovative Mn-TiO2 nanoparticle photocatalytic paint

(Corresponding) Karagkounis A., Fragkou E., Barmpas F., Efthimiou G., Tsegas G., Moussiopoulos N.
Air pollution and health
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) are applied in combination in the frame of an integrated assessment of a new photocatalytic paint product developed within the LIFE VISIONS project. The Mn-TiO2 nanoparticle photocatalytic paint has been demonstrated to efficiently remove...Read more
TiO2 photocatalytic paint, indoor air quality, computational fluid dynamics modelling, life cycle analysis, cost benefit analysis
Paper ID: 

Removal Of Selenium From Polluted Water By Fexoy-Sucrose Foams

Lopez-Toyos L., Rodríguez E., Garcia R., Martinez-Tarazona M., (Corresponding) Lopez-Anton M.
Water and wastewater treatment and reuse
A series of iron-based carbon foams were evaluated as adsorbents for selenium removal from aqueous solutions. The carbon foams were prepared using sucrose as a precursor and then impregnated with different iron oxides/hydroxides. The efficiency of iron-based sucrose foams was compared to that...Read more
adsorption; inorganic selenium; carbon foams; sucrose; iron nanoparticles
Paper ID: 

Understanding the alteration of organic pollutants and microbiome profiles in a petrochemical wastewater biotreatment process

Wu F., (Corresponding) Deng F., Liu S., Hose G., Simon G.
Wastewater treatment
A better understanding of the alteration of organic pollutants and microorganisms in wastewater biotreatment processes is essential for the elucidation of pollutant removal mechanisms. This study investigated the alteration of organic pollutants, microbial communities and functional genes in a...Read more
activated sludge; microbial community; organic compounds; functional metagenomics
Paper ID: 

Dynamical downscaling of medium- and short-term climate series for assessing climate impacts on a world heritage site

(Corresponding) Antoniou A., Tsegas G., Moussiopoulos N.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks
The present work utilizes two non-hydrostatic, mesoscale numerical weather forecast models, namely the Weather Research and Forecasting – Advanced Research WRF (WRF) model and the Mesoscale Model (MEMO), to dynamically downscale climatic series by performing high-resolution atmospheric simulations...Read more
mesoscale meteorological models, dynamical downscaling, heritage site, extreme events
Paper ID: 

Using CO2- induced magnesium carbonate as environmental friendly additives for petroleum decontamination sandy soils

(Corresponding) Abdeh Keykha H., Mavroulidou M., Mohamadzadeh H.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Chemical pollutants, including petroleum contaminations causes soil pollution due to improper transportation, leakage, or storage. Several methods for soil decontamination have been presented according to the type of soil and their level of pollution. In choosing the appropriate method and...Read more
soil petroleum contamination, CO2 capture, Magnesium carbonate
Paper ID: 

The Phenomenon of Greenwashing In The Fashion Industry: A Conceptual Framework

Alizadeh L., (Corresponding) Liscio M., Sospiro P.
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and circular economy
The fashion industry has one of the highest environmental, economic, and social impacts in the world. In recent times, awareness of sustainability issues has certainly increased, with companies making a real effort to reduce their impact. On the other hand, consumer awareness has also increased,...Read more
Greenwashing, Fashion industry, Environmental Sustainability, Framework, SPAR-4-SLR
Paper ID: 

Coding Water Efficiency

McBrien R., (Corresponding) Tijani A.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
Many Engineering projects involve the authoring of repetitive documentation. On one key project that aimed to track clean water leakage from pipelines across a major city, this was the case. This project involved constructing chambers around clean water mains that enabled a tracking device to be...Read more
Automation, Leak Detection, Pipe Networks, Coding, Water, CDM
Paper ID: 

Procedure of the replacement of fossil fuels for thermal heat supply by regional renewable energies exemplary for textile companies in Indonesia

Wern B., (Corresponding) Porzig M., Clemens W., (Corresponding) Pieper .
Renewable energy sources
The research project EnaTex (2021 - 2024) is funded within the "CLIENT II Program – International Partnerships for Sustainable Innovation" of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). A major aim is the development and demonstration of innovative approaches for energy...Read more
biomass, bioenergy, energy efficiency, photovoltaic organic residues
Paper ID: 

Biological Oxygen-dosed Activated Carbon (BODAC) filters - A bio-based treatment for wastewater reuse and reclamation

(Corresponding) Larasati A., Bernadet O., Pinela S., Meulepas R., Gagliano M.
Water and wastewater reuse
Water re-use from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) effluent has recently gained more attention. This effluent water usually contains nutrients and trace contaminants, such as organic micro-pollutants (OMPs). Conventional municipal WWTPs are not currently designed to completely remove...Read more
Biological activated carbon, wastewater effluent, organic micro-pollutants (OMPs), biofouling prevention
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Evaluating the water quality of stormwater runoffs in urban area

(Corresponding) Yang F., Gato-Trinidad S., Hossain I.
Heavy metals in the environment
This paper presents the results of stormwater quality monitoring from four constructed wetlands located in residential and industrial catchments. Preliminary results revealed that pollutants’ types and concentrations vary depending on the catchments’ characteristics. It is found that the...Read more
Heavy metals, best practice management, stormwater runoff, water quality
Paper ID: 