One step industrial enzymatic technology of starch hydrolysis to glucose
Paper ID:
Energy technologies and sustainability
Published under CEST2019
Proceedings ISBN: 978-618-86292-0-2
Proceedings ISSN: 2944-9820
Starch degrading enzymes like amylase have received great attention because of their technological significance and economic benefits. As a result of screening of Durmishidze Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology collection of mycelial fungi, accounting 2500 individual strains, 39 strains poducing amylases have been revealed. Three promising enzyme producer strains of genus Aspergillus have been selected and technical preparations of their amylases obtained. The hydrolysis process of starch of different concentrations with the technical preparationof Aspergillus niger p8-3 at 680С was studied. 94- 96 % yield of glucose was reached at incubation of 30% and 40% starch with technical preparations of fungal enzymes during 8 hours.
microscopic fungi, amylases, hydrolysis, glucose, technology