CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Site selection of hybrid solar/wind renewable energy systems: A case study from Andros, Greece
Bili A., (Corresponding) Vagiona D.
Spatial environmental planning
The combination of two or more forms of Renewable Energy Sources at the same spatial scale is a highly promising sector, resulting in an increase in the number of installations of hybrid RES systems. In Greece, where abundant resources such as wind and sun are available, the combination of these...Read more
site selection, Hybrid Wind and Solar Energy Systems, Geographical Information Systems, exclusion criteria, Andros
(Corresponding) LIM D., BALLESTEROS F., DE SALES L.
Solid waste management
The problem on solid waste has been and still remains as a major problem in the Philippines especially in developing countries where proper facilities for collection and disposal are not always available. In Metro Manila alone, daily waste generation stands at 8,600 tons coming from a population 12...Read more
Mass and energy balances of sewage sludge pyrolysis in a lab rotary kiln
(Corresponding) Mendoza L., Gómez A., Rincón S.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The aim of this work is to study the influence of the main parameters of sewage pyrolysis in a rotary kiln on the product distriburion and energy balances. An indirectly heated rotary kiln at a laboratory scale was used (4 kg/h). An increase in the final temperature causes the reduction of the...Read more
Sewage sludge, pyrolysis, rotary kiln, energy and mass balance
Systems improvement and energy savings program for the existing conventional extended aerobic treatment of domestic wastewater in compliance of DAO 2016-08 new general effluent regulations
Maceda M.
Wastewater treatment
This is a system improvement and energy savings program for a Sewage Treatment Plant treating wastewater coming from a shopping mall operation. Wastewater from shopping mall is considered domestic wastewater, which needs a big volume of water, and produced big amount of wastewater. Generators of...Read more
Aerobic, mall effluent, reuse wastewater, energy and water savings
Support Structure Suitability for Offshore Wind Farms Development in Greece based on a Sustainable Site-Selection Framework
(Corresponding) Spyridonidou S., Vagiona D.
Energy technologies and sustainability
Site-selection and spatial planning form a crucial step toward the successful development of Offshore Wind Farms (OWFs). Deployment of wind turbines in different water depths has raised the issue of selection of the most suitable support structures. In this work, a well-structured site-selection...Read more
site-selection; spatial energy planning; offshore wind; support structure; GIS
Evidence of Cyprus Energy Strategy, Realities and Options
(Corresponding) TSANGAS M., ZORPAS A.
Energy technologies and sustainability
Cyprus is an insular European Union member state. It is energy isolated and mostly depended on imported fossil fuel. Moreover, its energy planning is affected and guided by relevant European strategies as well as sustainability targets of the United Nations. Although a significant renewables...Read more
Cyprus, Energy Resources, Energy Strategic Planning, Sustainability Evaluation
Use of a two-stage MBBR system for medium-strength dairy wastewater treatment
Katsara A., Iliopoulou A., Zkeri E., Aloupi M., Fountoulakis M., (Corresponding) Stasinakis A.
Wastewater treatment
A two-stage Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) system consisting of a methanogenic and an aerobic reactor in series was used for medium strength dairy wastewater treatment. An energy analysis was conducted for the methanogenic MBBR to investigate its autonomy and its potential to act as a...Read more
Dairy wastewater, biological treatment, moving bed biofilm reactors, energy efficiency
Condensate originating from household food waste as a substrate for Microbial Fuel Cells
Kamperidis T., Pandis P., Vlachaki E., (Corresponding) Tremouli A., Lyberatos G.
Environmental biotechnology and bioenergy
A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a bioreactor that converts the chemical energy of the bonds of organic compounds to electrical energy, through the catalytic reactions of microorganisms. Under anaerobic conditions various substrates have been examined using MFC technology. This study examines the...Read more
Microbial Fuel Cell, Condensate, Household food waste, Wastewater treatment, Energy production
Can the seasonal variability affect the BMP of fruit and vegetable waste?
(Corresponding) Scotto di Perta E., Lamboglia R., Cesaro A., Frunzo L., Esposito G., Papirio S.
Food waste
Fruit and vegetable waste (FVW), largely produced in open markets, is characterized by highly putrescible materials, thus being a proper substrate for anaerobic digestion. This study investigated the effect of the seasonal variation of FVW, on the biochemical methane potential (BMP). To this end,...Read more
anaerobic digestion, open market waste, methane, energy recovery
Technological solutions for giving a new life to power plants of alternative energy: social, economic, and environmental assessment of end of life scenarios
(Corresponding) Ambrosino C., Giaquinto D., Maselli G., Nesticò A., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The resources on the planet are not unlimited and special attention has been paid to alternative energies in recent years.
Alternative (or renewable) energy are all those energy sources that do not come from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). To date, wind and solar energy are the main...Read more
renewable energy, natural resource conservation, solar energy, wind energy, life cycle economy