Displaying 11 - 20 of 134 in wastewater (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Tuning of an advanced control system on a membrane process for tannery wastewater purification and chromium recovery purposes
Marchetti A., (Corresponding) Stoller M.
Wastewater treatment
Tannery wastewater represent a hazard to the environment due to its high content of chromium. Conventional methods to purify this wastewater stream are available, but not capable to recover back chromium to the tannery process. Membranes appears to be a promising technology to achieve both targets...Read more
wastewater treatment, membranes, simulation, adaptive, predective, control system, fouling
The Effect of Different Parameters on Electrochemical Removal of Ampicillin Using New Generation Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti Anodes
(Corresponding) Kurt A., (Corresponding) Yonar T., Shakir F., Helvacıoğlu H., Neşelen E.
Advanced oxidation processes
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the feasibility of new generation and stable Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti anodes for treatment of wastewater containing Ampicillin (AMP) antibiotic by electrochemical oxidation processes. Ampicillin concentration was 0.05 g L-1 in the aqueous solution. Residual ampicillin...Read more
Sn/Sb/Ni-Ti anodes, electrochemical oxidation, ampicillin, wastewater treatment, anode production
Combined use of anaerobic and aerobic moving bed biofilm reactors for micropollutants’ removal from wastewater
Kora E., Theodorelou D., Herpich A., Gatidou G., Fountoulakis M., (Corresponding) Stasinakis A.
Emerging pollutants
A novel laboratory-scale continuous flow wastewater treatment system, consisting of an anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor (AnMBBR) and an aerobic MBBR, was used for investigating the removal of hydroxybenzothiazole (OH-BTH) and selected benzotriazoles from municipal wastewater. The system was...Read more
Use of the microalgae Chlorella Sorokiniana for municipal wastewater treatment: batch experiments
Kotoula D., Iliopoulou A., Irakleous-Palaiologou E., Gatidou G., Aloupi M., Fountoulakis M., (Corresponding) Stasinakis A.
Wastewater treatment
Batch experiments were conducted in order to investigate the use of microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana for the treatment of different types of municipal wastewater (raw sewage, anaerobically treated wastewater, aerobically treated wastewater) and investigate the role of light and addition of ammonium...Read more
Investigation of food additives readily biodegradability in respirometric tests
Vazaiou N., (Corresponding) Gatidou G., Arvaniti O., Stasinakis A.
Emerging pollutants
The biodegradability of fourteen (14) food additives, belonging to different groups such as artificial sweeteners, preservatives and coloring agents, was evaluated using the OECD 301F protocol (manometric respirometry test). According to the results, seven out of fourteen compounds, namely...Read more
Membrane Distillation Treating a Petrochemical Reverse Osmosis Concentrate
(Corresponding) Venzke C., Giacobbo A., Rodrigues M., Bernardes A.
Wastewater treatment
This study investigated the applicability of Direct Contact Membrane Distillation (DCMD) process for the treatment of a petrochemical industry effluent, intending to recover water from the concentrate produced by reverse osmosis (RO). In DCMD, the experiments were accomplished with a feed and...Read more
Method Development for the Determination of Heavy Metals such as Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc in Aluminium Alloys by ICP-OES, based on wastewater analysis method
Gkogkaki V., Karageorgis A., (Corresponding) Pantazis K.
Wastewater treatment
The determination of Heavy Metals such as Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc in Aluminium Alloys is usually achieved following ASTM E3061-17 Method. Alternatively, for time and cost saving, the laboratory’s ΕΝ ISO 11885:2009 method for wastewater analysis was appropriately modified producing...Read more
Aluminium alloys, Heavy Metals, ICP-OES, Modified Wastewater Method, Matrix Effect
(Corresponding) ZKERI E., Vourdoubas I., Katsivela E.
Wastewater treatment
Solar Water Disinfection Process (SODIS) is a simple technology using solar UV-A radiation (wavelength 320-400 nm) and elevated water temperature to inactivate pathogens. In the present survey, the effect of solar radiation on the disinfection of domestic secondary treated wastewater from the...Read more
wastewater, Solar water disinfection (SODIS), total coliforms, fecal coliforms
The mitigation of environmental impacts of high polluted effluents from tuna canning industry through eco-efficiency strategies
(Corresponding) Gutierrez M., Etxebarria S., Revilla M., Ramos S., Ciriza A., Sancho L., Zufia J.
Water, energy and/or food nexus
Food industry use high volume of water and energy to carry out their processes. Specifically, the fish canning industry generates effluents with high organic and saline loads, which complicates their suitable treatment before discharging to water bodies. The LIFE VERTALIM project has demonstrated...Read more
industrial wastewater management, eco-efficient food production, fish canning industry, real-time control system
Unbiodegradable soluble COD removal from industrial wastewater by a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor
Carucci A., Cappai G., Camedda C., Erby G., Puggioni G., (Corresponding) Milia S., Tocco G.
Wastewater treatment
In this study, plastics industry wastewater (PIWW) characterized by high total and soluble chemical oxygen demand (tCOD and sCOD, up to ~2200 and ~1500 mg/L, respectively) and remarkable unbiodegradable soluble COD (usCOD, 508±224 mg/L, 31±14% of tCOD) concentrations was treated at laboratory scale...Read more