Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.


Poulli K., (Corresponding) Ero R., Kozakou S., Michael N., Demetriou E., Christofidou M., Aletrari M.
Wastewater treatment
Cyprus is experiencing severe water supply deficiency. Particularly in summer months the situation is aggravated mainly due to low precipitation, high evaporation and increased demands for irrigation and tourisms. The use of treated wastewaters for environmental purposes such as recharging aquifers...Read more
treated wastewater quality, monitoring, organic pollutants, inorganic pollutants
Paper ID: 

Evaluation of innovative water treatments at molecular level based on high resolution mass spectrometry and advanced statistical tools

(Corresponding) Gago-Ferrero P., ALYGIZAKIS N., Velo-Gala I., Sbardella L., Gernjak W., Petrovic M.
Emerging pollutants
This work aims at integrating the last advances in high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and statistical analysis to develop and optimize a smart methodology (workflow) for the assessment of the performance of innovative water treatments using different technological approaches based on advanced...Read more
HRMS, water treatment, emerging pollutants, advanced oxidation processes
Paper ID: 

Isolation and optimization of microbial consortia for the biodegradation of two persistent fluorinated fungicides

Alexandrino D., Mucha A., Almeida C., (Corresponding) Carvalho M.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Microbial consortia capable of completely removing and defluorinating two persistent fluorinated fungicides, epoxiconazole (EPO) and fludioxonil (FLU), were enriched from an estuarine sediment and an agriculture soil. The enrichments were conducted along 6 months, during which the fungicides were...Read more
biodegradation, defluorination, fungicides, microbial consortia, persistent organic pollutants
Paper ID: 

Screening of 102 organic pollutants in groundwater along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in China by GC×GC-TOFMS

(Corresponding) Rao Z., liang m., Liu L., Gong J., Zhu T.
Emerging pollutants
Screening of 102 organic pollutants in groundwater along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in China by GC×GC-TOFMS. A total of 45 samples were collected. The targets of the investigation involve multiple types of organic pollutants such as Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their...Read more
Screening, Organic pollutants, Groundwater, GC×GC-TOFMS,
Paper ID: 

Development of a novel GC-APCI-QTOFMS methodology for the determination of more than 300 organic compounds in Asopos river water samples

Panagopoulou E., Nika M., Damalas D., Koulis G., (Corresponding) Thomaidis N.
The site of interest of this study is Asopos river which is located in Sterea Ellada, north of Athens, and passes through areas where 20% of total Greece industrial production takes place. The extensive installation of industries in the area near the river, and the uncontrolled disposal of...Read more
River water, Priority pollutants, Emerging Contaminants, Gas chromatographic techniques, GC-APCI-QTOF
Paper ID: 

Wide-scope target analysis of >2,100 emerging contaminants in landfill leachates by LC-QTOFMS and investigation of their potential ecological threat

Nika M., Ntaiou K., Elytis K., Stasinakis A., Thomaidi V., Gatidou G., (Corresponding) Thomaidis N.
Emerging pollutants
Organic micropollutants are compounds which are normally detected at concentrations up to microgram per liter in the aquatic environment and they are considered to be potential threats to the ecosystem. Some of them have been studied in detail since 1980s and are already included in existing...Read more
emerging pollutants; occurrence, leachates; HRMS; environmental risk assessment;
Paper ID: 

New pillared clays for the removal of pollutants from wastewater by treatment with oxidation processes

(Corresponding) Kalmakhanova M., Massalimova B., Diaz de Tuesta J., Gomes H.
Advanced oxidation processes
The constant development of technological processes aggravates the problem of pollution, due to a significant change in the composition of effluents that makes necessary the development of new (and/or improvement of the existing) treatment methods and catalytic materials. In this sense, the use of...Read more
Wastewater treatment, pillared clays, oxidation, catalyst, organic pollutants
Paper ID: 

Silver decorated TiO2/g-C3N4 nanocomposites for photocatalytic elimination of water pollutants under UV and artificial solar light

Ibrahim I., Belessiotis G., Kaltzoglou A., Katsaros F., Salama T., (Corresponding) Falaras P.
Water treatment
TiO2/g-C3N4/Ag nanocomposites were prepared and used as highly efficient photocatalysts. TiO2 nanoparticles were first prepared using a sol-gel process, and titania herostructures with varying amounts of graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) were created using a hydrothermal technique. Following...Read more
TiO2/g-C3N4/Ag nanocomposites; UV and artificial solar light; Organic-inorganic pollutants degradation.
Paper ID: 

Evaluation of the human exposure to a broad spectrum of organic chemicals and the potential use of sewage sludge to prioritize hazardous substances

(Corresponding) Gil-Solsona R., Nika M., Alygizakis N., Bustamante M., Villanueva C., Foraster M., Gómez-Roig M., Llurba-Olive E., Sunyer J., Dadvand P., Thomaidis N., (Corresponding) Gago-Ferrero P.
Environmental exposures and human health
Chemicals are part of our daily lives, and we are exposed to multiple chemicals through multiple pathways. Relevant scientific evidence contributing to regulation of hazardous chemicals requires a holistic approach to assess simultaneous exposure to multiple compounds. In this sense, recent...Read more
Human biomonitoring, HRMS, wide-scope screening, emerging pollutants
Paper ID: 

The presence of organochlorinated pesticides in the marine environment of the Mediterranean Sea: A Systematic Review

Marine environment and coastal management
Plant protection products, also known as pesticides, are chemical compounds that are used for the protcection of plants against pests, weeds and diseases which affect the quantinty and quality of agricultural products. The present study is a systematic review of the scientific literature regarding...Read more
Pesticide, organochlorine compounds, Mediterranean, organic micropollutants, persistent organic pollutants
Paper ID: 