CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
New evidence of accelerated elimination of an emergent water pollutant by TiO2 assisted photo-oxidation
Advanced oxidation processes
Over the past few years, the presence of the pharmaceuticals and their metabolites in the aquatic environment has become an important public health issue. These molecules are generally released in the aquatic ecosystem through the effluents of conventional wastewater treatment plants which were not...Read more
emergent organic pollutant, degradation,advanced oxidation, water treatment
Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon for Sustainable Agriculture using Deep Learning
(Corresponding) Singh S., Kasana S.
Agroforestry, forest and agricultural sustainability
The organic carbon percentage is concomitant indicating the mineralization of nutrients and the ability of the soil to hold nutrients cations, structural stability, and water holding capacity. It is necessary to know the quantity of carbon for healthy soil and avoid the production related problems...Read more
Deep Learning, Long Short-Term Networks, Silica, Organic Carbon, Hyperspectral Data
Feasibility of reuse filter backwash water as primary/aid coagulant in coagulation-sedimentation process for synthetic effluent
Lilia M., (Corresponding) Djamal A.
Water treatment
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of reusing filter backwash water (FBWW) from the water treatment plant (WTP)as a substitute for the conventional coagulants (primary coagulant) in the coagulation-sedimentation process applied for synthetic effluent.The coagulation effect on...Read more
Screening of 102 organic pollutants in groundwater along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in China by GC×GC-TOFMS
(Corresponding) Rao Z., liang m., Liu L., Gong J., Zhu T.
Emerging pollutants
Screening of 102 organic pollutants in groundwater along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in China by GC×GC-TOFMS. A total of 45 samples were collected. The targets of the investigation involve multiple types of organic pollutants such as Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their...Read more
Reduction of Halogenated Organic Compounds in Water: Comparison of Available Reduction Systems based on Cu, Pd and ZVI
(Corresponding) Shee A., Kopinke F., Mackenzie K.
Water treatment
Catalysts on the basis of copper (Cu) and the reducing agent borohydride (BH4-) have been successfully used for reduction of chlorinated aliphatics with low substitution degree which are usually resistant to zero-valent iron (ZVI) and hydrodehalogenation catalysts, such as Pd. Reactivity screening...Read more
Performance evaluation of a flat sheet self-forming dynamic membrane (SFDM) for municipal wastewater treatment containing organic micropollutants
MILLANAR-MARFA J., (Corresponding) Borea l., CASTROGIOVANNI F., NAPODANO P., DE LUNA M., BELGIORNO V., NADDEO V., (Corresponding) Hasan S.
Wastewater treatment
Membrane bioreactors gained increasing interest due to its small footprint and high efficiency. Nonetheless, high capital and operational cost of MBR remains a challenge. With the aim to reduce MBR cost, this study used Dacron mesh to form a dynamic membrane that serves as a substitute to...Read more
Wastewater treatment and emerging contaminants removal in electro membrane bioreactor using self-forming dynamic membranes
(Corresponding) CASTROGIOVANNI F., BOREA L., Millanar-Marfa J., Napodano P., Balakrishnan M., Ballesteros F., Hasan S., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V.
Wastewater treatment
In recent years, the technical-scientific community has been paying increasing attention to the presence of emerging contaminants that are intercepted in surface water and wastewater since these compounds could have harmful effects on human health and on environment too.
Conventional wastewater...Read more
Electrochemical processes, Current density, Pharmaceuticals, Membrane fouling, Organic micropollutant
New pillared clays for the removal of pollutants from wastewater by treatment with oxidation processes
(Corresponding) Kalmakhanova M., Massalimova B., Diaz de Tuesta J., Gomes H.
Advanced oxidation processes
The constant development of technological processes aggravates the problem of pollution, due to a significant change in the composition of effluents that makes necessary the development of new (and/or improvement of the existing) treatment methods and catalytic materials. In this sense, the use of...Read more
Effective separation of waste printed circuit boards using microwave-assisted organic swelling.
Monteiro B., Martelo L., Sousa P., Bastos M., (Corresponding) Soares H.
Electric and electronic waste
Nowadays, our lifestyle demands more electronics products, and this rapid development generated an increase in the amount of electronic waste (e-waste). Waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) are components in all electronic devices and responsible for a high percentage of the total weight of the...Read more
Degradation of textile dyes in water by gas-liquid NSP-DBD plasma
Advanced oxidation processes
Textile dyes represent some of the most complicated environmental pollutants due to their variety and complex structure. Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is regarded as a highly competitive advanced oxidation process towards the removal of organic pollutants from wastewater. In this study, a gas-...Read more