Conference proceedings

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CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

The role of biomass and biowaste in the green energy transition of islands and an introduction to the μgas-to-grid concept

(Corresponding) Vakalis S., Fountoulakis M.
Energy technologies and sustainability
The green transition of the energy sector in islands has always been a challenging task. The connectivity of islands with the (mainland) central grid can be problematic, especially when the distance is significant. In such cases, isolated electrical grids need to be developed on the islands, and...Read more
Syngas, Biogas, Natural gas grid, Biowaste, Isolated Grid, Sustainable Energy
Paper ID: 

A Water-Based Approach for Addressing RES Integration Challenges in Insular Energy Systems

(Corresponding) Tzanes G., Makropoulos C., Zafirakis D., Kaldellis J., Stamou A.
Water, energy and/or food nexus
High shares of RES-based power capacity in island electricity grids often imply significant energy curtailments of non-dispatchable power generation, which in turn limits islands’ capacity to leverage RES environmental and economic benefits. The presence of energy storage systems and/or grid...Read more
Isolated Grids, Demand Side Management, Water-Energy Nexus, RES Integration, Sector Coupling
Paper ID: 