Conference proceedings

Displaying 21 - 27 of 27 in groundwater (remove filter)

CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.

Groundwater recharge in Molepolole area, SE Botswana

(Corresponding) Tafesse N., Laletsang K., Mapeo R., Appia R.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Groundwater recharge estimation using chloride mass balance (CMB) method was conducted in Molepolole area, SE of Botswana. The study area is semi-arid area with uneven distribution of rainfall throughout the year. The mean annual rainfall of the area is 423.64 mm. Climatically the area is...Read more
Aquifer, Groundwater recharge, Molepolole, Rainfall, Wellfield
Paper ID: 

PFAS removal performance of novel technologies for treatment of firefighting water and groundwater

(Corresponding) Hjort M., Dalmijn J., Roest K., ter Laak T., Vaiopoulou E.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of widely used man-made organic chemical substances. PFAS have been used because of their particular physicochemical properties: most are stable at high temperatures, recalcitrant to chemical oxidation and biological degradation, and act as a...Read more
PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), treatment technologies, PFAS impacted groundwater, firefighting wastewater, comparative evaluation
Paper ID: 

Investigating the impact of landfill leachates in groundwater quality through the monitoring of multiclass emerging contaminants by LC-HRMS

(Corresponding) Nika M., Gkotsis G., Vasilatos K., Gkogkou A., Stasinakis A., Thomaidis N.
Emerging pollutants
Due to their economic advantages, landfills are the primary repository of municipal solid wastes, receiving everyday by-products such as food wastes, plastic containers and product packaging materials, unused pharmaceuticals, textile and other products. As a result of the higher demand and better...Read more
high resolution mass spectrometry; emerging contaminants; landfill leachates; groundwater; water quality
Paper ID: 

Drinking water from surface and ground water: production costs and influence of the climate change

(Corresponding) Verlicchi P., Grillini V., Maffini F., Benini A., Casoni R., Mari M.
Water treatment
Drinking water production may be affected by climate changes (i.e. intense rainfall events and high temperature periods) which impact on the availability and quality of the water source, above all surface water bodies. Efforts are being made to adopt the best strategies in the drinking water...Read more
climate change, drinking water treatment plant, groundwater, production costs, surface water
Paper ID: 

Environmental Effects on the Fate and Co-Transport of Pesticides and Microplastics in Soils Irrigated with Wastewater

Djebbari K., Li B., Shor L., Anagnostou E., (Corresponding) Bagtzoglou A.
Microplastics in water treatment: fate, toxicity assessment and removal technologies
In this paper we report results from a series of kinetics and isotherms experiments under different conditions (salinity, organic carbon, and temperature) that were conducted in order to determine the equilibrium time and the sorption response of typical biodegradable microplastics in comparison to...Read more
Microplastics, pesticides, sorption, groundwater, transport in soils
Paper ID: 

Assessing Climate Change Impacts in the Tana Basin, Ethiopia

(Corresponding) Bagtzoglou A., Khadim F., Dokou Z., Lazin R., Anagnostou E.
Climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks
Climate change effects on long-term groundwater (GW) resource developments in the Tana Basin, Ethiopia, are a growing concern. To address this we deployed a fine-resolution (500 m) GW model using MODFLOW-NWT for the Tana Basin, Upper the Blue Nile region. The GW model was calibrated based on 98...Read more
groundwater model; sustainability; MODFLOW-NWT; Upper Blue Nile
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A comprehensive monitoring approach to evaluate the impact of an urban landfill on a naturally reducing aquifer

(Corresponding) Preziosi E., Parrone D., Frollini E., Ciotoli G., Sciarra A., Ruggiero L., Ghergo S.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
The processes leading to high levels of arsenic, iron, and manganese in a naturally reducing aquifer beneath a landfill are investigated. Traditional groundwater monitoring (physical-chemical parameters, major and trace inorganic compounds, organic compounds) has been complemented with the analysis...Read more
groundwater, methane, environmental isotope, urban waste, pollution
Paper ID: 