Displaying 211 - 220 of 515 in CEST2019 (remove filter)
CEST Proceedings are published under the ISSN 2944-9820.
Origin of the salinity in the groundwater of the El Attaf alluvial aquifer
(Corresponding) Richa A., Djezzar M., DOUAOUI A.
Soil and groundwater contamination and remediation
The choice of this research theme was guided by the desire to better understand environmental issues, namely salinity and its origin, through the use of geophysical data from various surveys carried out between 1969 (CGG) and 2002 (IFES), to highlight the impact of the geological and structural...Read more
El attaf, Djebel Témoulga, geophysics, hydrochemistry, ACP, salinity, Triassic, Aquifere
Unbiodegradable soluble COD removal from industrial wastewater by a hybrid moving bed biofilm reactor
Carucci A., Cappai G., Camedda C., Erby G., Puggioni G., (Corresponding) Milia S., Tocco G.
Wastewater treatment
In this study, plastics industry wastewater (PIWW) characterized by high total and soluble chemical oxygen demand (tCOD and sCOD, up to ~2200 and ~1500 mg/L, respectively) and remarkable unbiodegradable soluble COD (usCOD, 508±224 mg/L, 31±14% of tCOD) concentrations was treated at laboratory scale...Read more
Improving the quality and quantity of source-separated household food waste in areas of different socio-economic characteristics: A case study from Lübeck, Germany
(Corresponding) Koerner I., Walk S., Deegener S., Wardle D.
Food waste
A method aiming at improving source-separation performance of household food waste (FW) was investigated in two areas with different socio-economic characteristics in Lübeck, Germany. This included the test of a new FW collection system including the distribution of small collection buckets to each...Read more
Indoor and outdoor environment impact over the generic conditions for thermal bridge appearance
(Corresponding) Ivanov M., Mijorski S.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
The presented study considers the numerical modelling of a thermal bridge distribution, based on conjugated heat transfer and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of approximated external concrete wall. The thermal bridge distribution is cross-analyzed relative to the indoor and outdoor air...Read more
Thermal bridge, conjugated heat transfer, CFD, indoor and outdoor environment
Thermal bridge modelling, based on conjugated heat transfer and CFD methods
Mijorski S., (Corresponding) Ivanov M.
Enviornmental data analysis and modelling
In the building structure, the “thermal bridge” is defined as an isolated zone, where construction elements have higher thermal conductivity, compared with the rest of the building envelope. Thus, a significant temperature difference may exist between adjacent solid and air volumes within the...Read more
Thermal bridge, conjugated heat transfer, CFD, indoor and outdoor environment
A method to extract microplastics from river sediments (bed, bank and floodplain)
(Corresponding) Prume J., Schömann E., Chifflard P., Koch M.
Microplastics in the marine environment
Identifying and quantifying microplastics in the environment is fundamental to develop effective mitigation strategies. So far, microplastic research has focused on marine environments and large streams. However, smaller rivers, often adjacent to waste sources as agricultural areas and waste water...Read more
microplastic abundance, methodological protocol, river sediments
Influence of microbial fuel cell integration on organic matter and nutrient removal in a constructed wetland for wastewater treatment
(Corresponding) Gonzalez T., Miranda J., Vidal G.
Wastewater treatment
The combination of constructed wetlands (CWs) and microbial fuel cells (MFCs) has emerged in recent years with the purpose of enhancing wastewater treatment efficiency of CWs while simultaneously generating electricity. Taking the above into account, the aim of this study is to evaluate the...Read more
Plastic Litter Project 2018: a feasibility study on detecting plastics in the aquatic environment using drones and satellite images
(Corresponding) Topouzelis K., Papakonstantinou A., Garaba S., Doukari M., Chatziantoniou A., Spondylidis S.
Marine environment and coastal management
Plastic litter has been shown to pose a significant problem in the marine environment and the food chain at all trophic levels. Within the scope of Plastic Project 2018, we investigated the prospective use of imaging technology on airborne and spaceborne platforms in detecting floating plastic...Read more
The Intensity – duration (I-D) curves towards to a spatially distributed flood early warning tool (F-EWT)
(Corresponding) Feloni E., Baltas E.
Floods, droughts and water scarcity
Attica region suffers from rainfall events of high intensity, inducing flash-floods and significant damages in the urbanized areas. This analysis concerns the determination of the maximum intensity-duration thresholds regarding flooding (F) or non-flooding (NF) regime, using the available...Read more
floods, Attica region, early warning, flood mitigation, rainfall intensity
Biosolids as soil-amendment: evaluation of nutrient leaching in loamy-silty soil
(Corresponding) Venegas M., Fernandez G., Vidal G.
Municipal sewage sludge is a by-product of wastewater treatment. The amount of sewage sludge has increased with the construction and expansion of wastewater treatment plants, while stricter policies have limited its disposal. Anaerobic digestion is a worldwide technology used in sewage sludge...Read more